I dont own any characters / All Marvel owned. Things finished up sooner at the base than I thought it would. When some kids decide it's a good idea to torment Peter, she discovers her feelings for the Stark are deeper than what she thought. The step-parents and step-siblings AU no one asked for! But, well, he will figure it out. And Thor knowsa lot of lesbians. Peters Overprotective Family (fanfiction.net) - Hellspawn1804Rating: Teen And Up. Tonys heart lurches in his chest, then plummets to the floor. Summary: and the one time they saved him. So naturally he would feel a little weird when Richard Parker randomly shows up in Peters life. He wasn't ready for the sight that received him. "H-he t-t-took my clothes. Peter whispered, before choking out a painful sounding sob. I feel so much better now., Definitely Worth It[jennylarner]Peter doesn't want to go on a field trip to Stark Tower. Summary: Peters out shopping with Pepper for his Dads birthday present for the first time. So, when Peter's dad introduces him to his new girlfriend, and then to her son, who happens to be one of the kids who picks on Peter at school, he's not so sure what to think. Summary: When the Blip happens May Parker was crossing the street. Stars, Hide Your Fires (ao3) - YellowDistressRating: Teen And Up, Who Saves The Hero(ao3) -CamelotQueenRating: Teen And Up. Work Search: Summary: Stephen tried to give Christine a date she would remember. Summary: Peter was excited to hear Mr. Harringtons announcement. Summary: Peter sleepwalks, Tony stresses. Tony never thought hed fall in love with a child so fast, and now here he is. Not knowing how to get home, Peter asks Tony Stark for help and ends up finding out a lot about his and Tonys past.Peter is given an opportunity to change the future, or leave things be. Could be worse. MJ said across from him. A blonde haired man stepped in front of them his smile grotesquely wide The avengers paled simultaneously they knew this man, from a shield mission ,unfortunately, it was unlike any other mission they had been on, they knew he was a child rapist and was sent to capture him shield would never have done such a lowbrow mission but they never Summary: Its dress up as your hero day at school. Will he manage to stay sane until its over? Eventually. You werent supposed to get back stateside for another two weeks. The Field Trip(ao3) -Emma_with_her_head_in_the_cloudsPairing: NoneRating: Teen And Up. Peter swallowed thickly, fighting down panic. He felt dead, empty, and tired. built from scraps(ao3) -peterstankPairing: Pepper/TonyRating: Teen And Up, Summary: Everybody needs someone. #blackwidow one day, wade says, well live like kings., (tony is over protective, natasha is awesome and clint, well, clint likes to throw chinese food at people). Oh also, Steve just really loves his husband. With a grieving superhero teenager on his hands, Tony is going to have to figure it out quick, if he wants Peter to ever be able to move on and be happy. The kid was buzzing with adrenaline. 5 Times Peter Parker Saved an Avenger (ao3) - petreparkourRating: Teen And Up. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). New villains are on the rise, pushing the team ever closer to their limits. Summary: When Peters class is granted a field trip to Stark Industries, he thinks he might just die of embarrassment. ( Aka an answer to a prompt about whether Stephen would eat weird food with tentacles on a date. Exciting? He couldnt chance him telling anyone that he was alone. 5 times Peter fell asleep on Tony(ao3) -emaveeRating: General, A Parent Apparent(ao3) -happyaspieRating: Teen And Up. Pepper isnt so sure at first, but Peter is absolutely certain that hes found the perfect gift. Ever since then, things go smoothly. If youd rather I come back in two weeks, I could-. Summary: 5 times it wasnt a hug and the one time it was. Something about him makes Peter feel nervous, but he makes May happy. Flash is a dick, Mj and Peter flirt in the most awkward way, and Ned is excited. Five years of Peters life, gone. *In the comics Wade is between 28-35 years old, plus the fact that he was cursed by the mistress of death to never age as well as to never die.Peter is ***CANONICALLY*** 28 also in the comics.that means they are at least the same age and at most 8 years apartIn this fic I have made Wade somewhere around 3 years older than Peter.Peter is 19This is adult, legal, and consentingDon't come at me, I will fight your ass. Cool sweater! Ned exclaimed as he took in Peters appearance. His dad, of course! Tony lets out a soft curse. Husbands Twin(ao3) -InfinitywritesG, 1k, Ill Be There Beside You(ao3) -Coffee_and_notebooksG, 1k, Summary:Peter gets sick, but luckily, his dads are there to nurse him back to health. Summary: Peters struggling to cope after the loss of Mr. Stark. syncopation(ao3) -macabrePairing: NoneRating: General. Summary: Its your average field trip, but some twist and turns along the way! What exactly are we going to do? Ned asked.Whatever it takes. Peter answered. The next morning, Ned is dropping off a now two-year-old Peter at Tonys. Still Here, Still There(ao3) -ArwenPPairing: Steve/TonyRating: Not Rated. However, once they see how Tony acts around Peter, that confusion goes away, as they know for certain who Peter must be - Tony's secret son. Tony and Pepper never stopped looking for their boy. Peter lifted up his head. Were Gonna Have to do This Together (ao3) - edibnaT, 156k. I was stronger than him, so why couldnt I fight back? This time on a field trip tour of Stark Industries. Thank god for Pepper Potts.or, a Spider-Man AU where a set of bad circumstances begin to push Peter Parker down a wrong path, and where Tony is probably not the best person to deal with it, but he does anyway. Summary: Peters class takes a trip to Stark Industries. Weve managed to get a field trip to Stark Industries!, Signs of Life(ao3) -aven_gardePairing: Steve/Tony, Bruce/Natasha, Bucky/ClintRating: Mature. Summary: Peters field trip to SI (Stark Industries). Youre gonna feel that one, buddy, Tony said. Kissin Dynamite(ao3) -crime_fighting_spiderlingRating: General. It was a one night stand and Tony had a lot of them, but this one changed everything. Stars, Hide Your Fires (ao3) - YellowDistressPairing: NoneRating: Teen And Up. Summary: In which the author indulges herself in some shameless Irondad/Spiderson with fluff, angst and everything in between because she needs more of that in her life. Thanks MJ, thats really helpful. Like if he says the wrong thing, shell pounce. field trip (to nowhere) (ao3) - ThisUsernameTakenPairing: NoneRating: Teen And Up, Summary: Ive decided, Tony claps his hands, that you, as our highest level intern, and so mature, evidently, - with a head tilt to the cereal box and milk askew on the counter - will be giving the tour., Peter spews his orange juice back into the glass, hacking a cough for a good half a minute. Tony asked. I guess you talk enough for the two of you, Tony! Everyone keeps telling him itll get better and that he needs to move on, but Peter doesnt want to. Theres food in the fridgesoup for Tony and Morgan, lasagna and mac and cheese for you. She grabs the boy who is closer to her and pushes him back. The Avengers looking after Peter Parker because he is their spider-baby. OR: The first time Natasha meets Starks kid, its almost three in the morning; spiders dont sleep, after all. A grin crept onto his face as he jumped the fence and ran over to the curb. Summary: AU where Pepper works at an art gallery and Tony keeps buying ugly paintings off of her. Summary: After the aftermath of the Civil War ordeal settles, Tony meets Harley Keener again. Summary: Peter meets the Avengers for the first time! I have kids, Clint said. It's a recipe for disaster. Tony wheezed harder, knowing what he was quoting. Peter Parker is Tony Starks son, and Tony is determined to raise him right. Tony Stark is living the dream; a multibillion dollar empire, a hot, caring boyfriend, and the celebrity status of a rock star. Summary: Tony isnt sure how he ended up with a kid who doesnt talk; the cynics would call it karma he guesses, or maybe the universe thinks its funny. ), 5 times tony forgot peter was just a kid(ao3) -parkrstarkPairing: NoneRating: Teen And Up. Peter thought he was being helpful by carrying the boxes that DUME had been trying to pull, with no luck. Not getting comfortable means not slipping up and saying anything that he cant take back. darkness will be rewritten(ao3) -princessironspiderPairing: Natasha/TonyRating: Not Rated. The others are in awe, and Peters just happy to play. Maybe? This amazing human is turning this story into an audiobook!! But would he mess around with it anyway? Tony and Peter get closer than ever, and Peter even starts to call him dad (but only around the people he is close to, like Pepper and Rhodey, because no one can know that Peter is adopted by Tony). But they soon learn that they barely have to act at all. First the dreams, then Peter calls him Dad, and now everyone is convinced Peter is his illegitimate son. Hey! Summary: Set on the wedding day/night of Christine Palmer and Charlie. Tony finds out about the warehouse Peter Parker Needs a Hug Hurt Peter Parker Slightly less hurt Tony Stark difficulty breathing Anxiety tony's a dad just doesn't know it yet Rhodey's an uncle and knows it Peter's self-sacrificial takes most of the hit sorta saves Tony Peter's scared for the most part you can't blame him tho he's just a kid Now nearing sixteen years old, Peters been in foster care for about two years with a man that reminds him too much of an old babysitter. (ao3) - Florian_GrayRating: Teen And Up. Where he can eat, sleep and make a little bit of money. If anyone can teach him how to be a superhero, its Ironman, right? Filled with cute fluff, some angst-y goodness, and Tony and Pepper being good parents! Summary:Being a superhero sometimes means you forget about the small dangers in the world, like disease. Even if he chose the former, Peter wouldn't be able to get a wink of sleep. or: the one where tony was dusted instead of peter, so he and pepper try to figure out the whole family thing together. Summary: A billionaire finds home in the presence of a single father and his adorable little son.Together they help fill the empty holes in each others lives. Superfamily Chapter 3: Bullies, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction "Friend Bruce, please explain to me the importance of what you 'school'." Thor stated, staring out the window and at the many people they were passing. Pepper Potts is Peter Stark's teacher, and she's reluctant to admit that there is more than just a professional teacher-family relationship there. For Those Who Believe, No Proof Is Necessary(ao3) -can_i_slytherinM, 4k. I have kids, Clint said. Hes grateful for everything Mr Stark has doneor rather, was grateful for almost every Mr Stark had done. He was dead. Unluckily, the Avengers dont realise how bad of a state Peter is in, and Peter isnt inclined to tell them. When the Rogue Avengers get pardoned and come back to live at the Tower too, they're confused as to who Peter is. Currently, Peter was wearing a sleeveless Spider-man shirt that has a hood on it, and grey sweatpants, so all the Avengers saw the muscles on this random 15-year-old kid (he's forever 15 in my mind). Good news everyone! But they soon learn that they barely have to act at all. Fortunately, hes got the Avengers to step up as a team and a family. Time to search for the coffee.
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