This is because it is their instinct to nurture and to look after the world. Someone with a Pisces stellium in the seventh house might be more apt to connect through dreams, wishes, and spirituality so would look for partnership through those avenues. Saturn in the 1st house: an elderly scholar looks down upon newer students as they bow down, embarrassed How do they go about sharing their message? They often put their own needs last. Things might have been uprooted for them a lot, or they might have had a hard childhood or difficulty with relationships. There is a lot of healing potential for those with twelfth house stelliums. Ones identity is linked to that of the other. Virgo rising. There may also be difficulties when dealing with more real and tangible aspects of life. hello there! This Sun favours the nurturing of an energetic physical If Leo is ascendant in your natal chart, this means . Every other sign combination will be a team player.12th house - Stelliums in the twelfth house are behind the scenes type people. When interacting with others, Leo Risings transmit a feeling of majesty. desire and passion they put into everything they set themselves to do. The Moon in the 1st house: on the horizon, the Moon descends quietly, like a heavy shooting star Nostalgia in general, attraction to the past, and emotions are heightened for all fourth house stellium natives. Along with this sun will also bring them social recognition and . Frequently they have naturally straight hair, and dark or olive complexions. identity is often linked to that of somebody elses. You do tend to see life as a show and you as the star, with everyone else revolving around you. For instance, a Pisces stellium in the first house will make a person want to come across as sensitive and charitable, while an Aries stellium in the first house will want to come across as independent and a go-getter. This Moon is private and doesnt really feel the need to express their emotions outwardly. This Moon is also good at solving other peoples problems through effective communication. This is someone who feels deeply and intensely, but hardly expresses any of these feelings to other people. The ability to focus one's energy on a quest for one's objectives is boosted. Jupiter/12th house: an ancient sea spirit observes the slow turning of the world from under the surface, predicting drastic future events. They may have issues with a parental figure growing up. Theyre like baby horses, just trying to find their footing so they can grow up to be a magnificent racehorse.Openness and friendliness show in the Archers face and posture. They wish to know what is their mission in this world, after all, in a rather profound fashion. Leo Rising: "Gold, for sure. Darker, rounded eyes. The family is daily blessed by this persons ability to nurture and forgive. Sun/10th house: a person kneels solemnly in front of the royal family, ready to receive a most noble title for their achievements and contributions to the empire. There is a need to actively act upon the world and change things according to ones emotions. This is someone whos trying to understand and improve themselves through crisis in order to better act upon the world they wish to change. 4th house -Fourth house stellium people are intensely shaped by their home environment, either in childhood or in adulthood (or both). Social insecurity impacts the emotional realm greatly and vice-versa, with strong repercussions regarding ones family. The ascendant in Leo is a good placement for vitality. Thank you for reading! Hii! watches, mesmerized. Basically, your happiness lies in the love you get from the people you are related to. This is someone who is friends with many different groups of people. What this means is that Libra Risings experience human life situations and scenarios under extreme conditions, for every house and life department is dealing intimately with their opposite energy. The individuality is emotionally sensitive The individual is instinctually drawn to parties, sex, sports and games maybe to the point of exaggeration. This is very different from a Leo Rising that makes an effort to be noticed by their appearance in the sense that this Jupiter receives much unwanted attention. Theyd rather analyze these kind of things and get informed about everything thats about to start in their lives; theyd ask other people about it beforehand, do some research by themselves. Because of that, there may be some kind of difficulty with details. The rhythm is slow, but constant and stable. We had no end and no Moon/9th house: an ancient spirit of the Atlantic ocean prays quietly at the center of a sunken cathedral;golden arrows pierce the shadows around. and enlightenment, blessing the individual with an ability to foresee future Being competitive, polite and This Sun is polite and popular. waters. Sun/9th house: a wise cleric lectures a group of believers by an altar; colourful strings of sunlight pour from the rose windows onto their shoulders. the burning castle. Mars/6th house: a watchful strategist. house, then, is a symbolic representation of the moment we receive something to Generally, they have well-proportioned features and pleasant expressions, even when theyre not in a pleasant mood. Gemini is a sign of mutable air, and thus Gemini Risings love learning new things, for learning expands their horizons; they become able to convey their ideas and points of view through brand new perspectives much more freely and effortlessly. There is a need to transcend ones own emotions, specially those connected to relationships. They may have interest in the occult or stranger sides of spirituality. And, in this context, to describe is also to draw limits, and to draw limits is to discriminate. Venus in the 1st house: among flowers and heavy curtains, a young noble charms everyone around Sun/12th house: a heavenly priest prays quietly by a burning incense, swallowed in the dark; theyre isolated, but do not feel loneliness. 1st house -A first house stellium will make a person focused on their own self identity and how they project that into the world. by their folly; the scholars gaze is fixed, demanding and wise. This is someone who is great at winning people through their ability to communicate effectively. roses, flags and concepts. Theres a strong appetite for communicating ones thoughts and ideas. They will often naturally speak very fast. on a constant quest for finding beauty and love in the world. Since there is an opposition to the seventh house (Libras home) you may see the opposite effect here, where the native is obsessively trying to draw attention away from themselves to others. This Mercury may be quite popular among their friends, neighbours or workplace. ARIES: Often have distinct facial features, prominent eyebrows. It is a point in the East horizon, representing dawn, ], The 12 signs and the human body parts which they rule. Bright, clear eyes with a gentle but direct expression, delicate noses, and well-shaped, curvy lips. There may be a constant calling to arts or religion in their lives. This sign rules the stomach and breasts, and these are often noticeable in some way. This is someone with a free mind who doesnt tend to care about social standards and taboos. Ferociously proud and somewhat vain, you like to be impressive and to be seen as somebody special. Being considered by others as intelligent and well-informed is what makes them feel them. This is someone able to deal swiftly with both material and spiritual aspects of the human experience on Earth. Appearance and Mannerisms - Leo rising individuals typically have a full head of hair that resembles a lion's mane. But it is important to note that this is a rather candid attitude. The first They will be more vocal about their need to create. Another characteristic is a clear and melodic speaking voice. Welcome to My Astrology Blog, a fun meme astrology blog with zodiac related articles, trivia, Q&As and much more. They might have their heads in the clouds, or could potentially be obsessed with religion or spirituality. Plutos blessings produce an Being able to communicate ones ideas and cultural experiences is what nurtures this Venus. Theres something about this special someone. actively in it like resolute warriors. passions. They can be obsessed by their own appearance, seeing flaws that no one else does, and they go to lengths to hide them. Like a cloud, they seem to have no clear limits and no physical form. events because of their clear understanding of present tendencies. Despite their love of socializing and meeting new people, they do have a hard time with consistent small talk. They may experience a lot of death or tragedy around them, or just a lot of change and intense situations. The world Neptune/9th house: behind falling strings of shimmering silver,a gigantic waterfall hides an old temple of a forgotten civilization. beliefs, always in search for answers. Jupiter/10th house: a magnificent statue is raised in a noble city; the individual being honoured is already dead. systematic and well-thought. Theyre their own worst enemy and are on a constant tension with their own selves. Lets consider, for descriptions of this Rising in this post, Plutos positions and conditions in the natal chart. On the other end, a Capricorn stellium in the seventh would try to connect through more serious matters or would network for their career or education. Venus/4th house: an employee arrives at their companys new years party with their spouse and children; the family is elegantly dressed and smiles lightly; everyones content. Security is achieved through guiding other people through these subtle subjects and distributing knowledge. Rising Signs Physical Descriptions. This First, the presence of outer planets can completely change the interpretation. Leo Zodiac Decans Rising Sun Appearance Personality Leo 1st Decan Horoscope Those born between July 23rd and August 1st - Those born between these two dates are ruled by the planet sun which is their source of enthusiasm and vitality which leads them towards success and fame. take time, but have beautiful results. A pale complexion is also typical, with restless eyes that seem to take in everything all at once. Button nose, smaller ears. Artistic careers are favoured. They are slow, thoughtful and cautious when starting anything new or making any changes. for justice and is usually fighting other peoples fights. They may jitter a bit or shake their legs, but even if theyre not actually moving, theres a sense of energy, simply waiting to explode. Interest in the others universe is genuinely expressed, but this is also how one gets to their objectives: through being credited and trusted by another. Sign Quality Differentiation by base outlines (as outlined by master astrologer John Willner):CARDINAL - OVATE/ROUNDED FACES. The idea of the unknown is overly appealing to them, so much so that a regular routine is unthinkable and binding in their eyes. In the 12th house, we were everything. Taurus Sun + Leo Rising: Leo Risings have strong features, wide forehead and high cheekbones. Scorpio Risings are observant and careful when approaching any new projects or changes in their lives; theyre planners. Their fashion sense is bold and eye-catching. Not a canon birthday, but we know she mustve been born either in 1981 or between September 1 - December 31 1980. Theres a instinctual need to be in touch with religious and spiritual figures; feelings are be infused with faith and optimism. Projects and changes in ones life are approached smoothly. These people also tend to have large heads and prominent facial features.. Theres a need to develop patience and wait for the right moment to truly manifest their force of will. They project themselves this way and experience their individuality best when theyre able to distinguish themselves from others through their ability to demonstrate their talents and skills. Venus/3rd house: a tour guide is surrounded by foreigners; they talk excitedly of culture and diversity. a move. The sky is changing with swift-moving clouds; birds fly quickly This is someone valued by their loving and sensitive nature, specially if Jupiters in Pisces. Sun/5th house: a noble calmly promenades in their massive gardens between fruits and fountains; everything is soaked in gentle sunlight. expressions. Moon/10th house: a skillful architect considers the structure of the dam theyve planned on building; the enormous body of water dancing under the sun seems overwhelming. They may have unfulfilled dreams, but will help others reach their goals without question. family. Anyone with a Capricorn stellium in the 4th house will have an opposition of energy, and will tend to reject the idea of nostalgic, Cancerian values that typically comes with a fourth house stellium. Their hair tends toward naturally curly or wavy. It could even be jewels, like literally wearing jewels of some sort. [x]. And on this quest for deep knowledge they automatically acquire a frightening power over others. Also leo rising, vv pretty haha Rat I see on my dash every now and then <3 she give updates on her life (I wish them lots of love) Posted more astro content back when I was more active <3 Sweet, supportive, gives good kpop recs if u like lol Lenora I really miss. Mercury/3rd house: a new teacher at school has everyones attention when they start talking; anyone around is impressed. Practical and logical service through patience and reasoning. Ones able to observe and feel people all around, understanding their minds and the ties people create between themselves. Theres an interest in talking with literally anyone and gather information from that. Again, there is one exception - Sagittarius stellium in the third house will create a weird opposition here where communication might be a little tricky. For the most part, they dont like being identified, defined or limited by other peoples impressions and opinions. Physical well-being and feeling beautiful become Teeth are noticeable for being either a dentists dream in the good way or a dentists dream in the bad way. In terms of appearance, they have meaningful starry eyes, full cheeks, thick or high arched eyebrows, medium-smaller type of noses, sometimes they . The exception to this rule is a first house stellium in Libra. Mercury/11th house: a young activist lectures to a large applauding audience. Mercury/2nd house: a young executive contemplates a board full of graphs and thinks of innumerable possibilities for the future. Mars energy will lead because it is their instinct to get therefirst, before anyone else, not because it is their instinct to be private and lonely. The 1st houses physical limits are partially dissolved by Neptunes Aries rising will most likely walk in a brisk, confident way. We did a little poll a while back where we with Leo rising described our appearance. These people will often support others creativity over their own. Ones mood and feelings vary greatly depending on feedbacks of the exterior. LEO RISING: "my world, my rules, my fame" . Gemini Risings communicate easily and playfully, as if it were a game. Mercury/8th house: a young apprentice draws ten tarot cards for a Seeker and speaks their intuition and hidden meanings from the cards. This is a sensitive Sun that is always trying to guess peoples motives. Theyre very curious and move lightly from one group of people to the other, always gathering information and broadening their views. This also correlates to each signs ruling planet. They identify themselves with the concept of being autonomous, self-sufficient and self-reliant, but here this feeling of security and independence manifests itself through the fixed earth energy that we call Taurus. Those with Taurus on the Ascendant experience the world through their possessions and properties. They must feel present and attractive in society. This is someone with great energy to get to ones objectives. Powerful and persuasive, this is someone whose Neptune/11th house: a colossal tidal wave rises suddenly in the horizon, destroying everything in its path; after many years, societies have rebuilt themselves for the better.
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