I hope I'll share my hobby with him because with my sisters I share only genes. - I was kidding. As Linka, Lincoln does not get an alternate girl voice. Now! - Clyde said - We became friends because we were both outcasts at school and I introduced you to some of my favorite comic titles. Lana visited Luan and observed how she began entertaining the babies with hand puppetery. - Waah! Lynn throws a football to Lincoln, and Lincoln catches it. - Hair isn't not a good material for chains. Lincoln puts $2.50 with the rest of Leni's cash. One big Family 37 parts Ongoing Lynn Sr and Rite put Lincoln up to adoption because they still think he's bad luck they thought put. - I'm Leni, my little Leo. - Lori complained - I will have to skip a year at Detroit University because for Leni and Luna mom can't count. Meanwhile in Lola and Lana's room, they have gone a full 12 hrs. - Lincoln asked annoyed. - Lisa sleeps quite few because she is focused on her experiments. -Can we talk?-Lincoln asked.-I've had a terrible day. - Lily said hugging Lincoln, - We all love you, Lily. - Lincoln said. Luna falls asleep on the couch, and the next morning, they girls sweet dream ends, and they get snapped back to reality. - Lynn commented. -I just hope he's ok.-Lynn said tearing up. That's one of the ways our sibling bonds were forged. - I enjoyed your theatre but Leo is a boy so he needs to play with tomboys. - Lana said - You are six years older than Leo and so is Lori six years older than Linc. Lori comes back from the interview smiling. -How was I supposed to-Lincoln gets interrupted again. In other words, in the context of this episode, Lincoln having ten brothers is the same as having ten Lynns. Suddenly, Lincoln wakes up, realizing that the entire ordeal was just a nightmare. - Lola yelled, - Why couldn't this be another girl? He changes Lily's diapers, feeds her and burps her. - Leni lamented - I'll show you my fashion magazines. At hospital the siblings were waiting and their patience was reaching its limits. - Luna asked disgusted - Do you want to suffocate him with own odor?! -Lincoln!-Leni complained angrily.-I have been working on that dress for forever, and you just ruined it! - Lynn explained angry. Almost like my favorite colour. That means you can do your hobby as long as it is quiet enough. - It happens from billions of years but for scientists birth of life is still a miracle. Lincoln only had to tell Luna, and he was actually looking forward to it, because she was the least likely to get mad at him. -Hey Lucy.-Lincoln told her.-We've all noticed that you've been going through a depression recently, and even though I'll probably never know the answer, I got you a journal for you to write down your emotions in. - Hey, what are you doing?! ["Ahhh! The sisters are unable to hear what's going on in there when Lincoln runs out looking terrified. Lincoln backs away from Lori and backs into Leni's sewing machine moving the machine and ruining the dress Leni was sewing. Irida: I'll meet you in the Cobalt Coastlands. Why doesn't he? When all siblings were already dressed and eating breakfast Leopold was still sleeping. - Lucy commented - Strange that he no longer cries in your arms. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. -Yeah Yeah, that's great.-Lori told him.-What, of course I'm listening Bobby, repeat what you just said, umum -YOU GIANT TWERP!-Lori screamed.-YOU COULDN'T HAVE WAITED ANOTHER HOUR FOR ME AND BOBBY TO FINISH TALKING! - Please, be gentle to him. - Lincoln asked surprised - Has Lori always been like this? Linka: Uh oh. - Looks like Leo has chosen you. Linka: [While looking at a photo of her and her 10 brothers] Ever wonder what it's like to grow up in a big family? - Lucy said - Leo, there is nothing to be afraid of me. -You don't think he'syou know.-Lori said with noticeable worry in her voice. However, his hair is cut shorter and is parted at his forehead. Rated: T - Spanish - Humor/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 918 - Reviews: 5 . Lincoln tricks his brothers into dog-piling on Dad again and uses that distraction to take the watch back. The poor girl couldn't hear her comedian of a brother because her ears were still ringing. - And the most important! She breathed in deeply, bringing her balled fist up and knocked the door a few times. I'm Lincoln, your older brother. This is both a sequel to "Louds of Two Worlds" and "White Hare".The original names were gonna be Hare Care and "Louds of Three Worlds". - Lana said confused - Come, little bro. I hope you'll enjoy hanging our with your older brother. Lincoln walks into Lori and Leni's room to see Lori on the phone and Leni using her sewing machine designing a dress. -Luna said and tried to calm Leo down by singing a lullaby she used to sing for Lincoln. - If you could talk I wish you could promise me one thing. - Lucy put pacifer into Leo's mouth - Look, he's calmed down. - Now she treats me more like a plaything. - Leo farted, - How cute. "Besides I have an important game today and I can't risk you mucking up this game too. Una Isla, 22 participantes del universo Loud house, un premio, reality presentado por el presentador ms querido, jaja si claro. - Lincoln and Luna said in unison laughing. Your family's troubles are out of control by MoonTheCartoondemon. A pact made between three sisters, don't pursue Lincoln. - Lynn Sr. said - Besides he's the peacemaker in the family. - Luan laughed. Haha. She breastfed him, burped him and made him sleep. - Lucy commented hugging Lincoln- Maybe because you are most tolerant. - Lisa asked, - Yes. Leo woke up in her arms and was completelly confused. - Right and the bond we made means this. - Lynn Sr. said, - Mom, dad, that's the best day of my life. - Lincoln asked rethorically - I want to record your very first words and keep them. - Lynn Sr. said, - Yeah? - Dang it! Linka sits up and yawns, stretching. - Aww! - Leni replied - When you couldn't sleep, had bad dreams, feared thunders or simply felt lonely. -Oh shoot!-Lori exclaimed.-I only have 12 minutes to shower and put my makeup on! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! -They wished him away, and away he did go. Albert Einstein. Lynn Sr. tried to calm him down because Rita was already sleeping. - Lincoln explained, - Those matadors are hypocrites then. She commented "Why my two closest siblings have to be so weird?". Lincoln chooses normal, and the music begins playing a little faster, and so does the routine, but not backing down, Luna and Lincoln claim a second perfect score after doing the routine flawlessly. The Loud House follows 11-year-old Lincoln, and 10 sisters who each have unique personalities: Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn Jr. ,Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Lily. - Lincoln said and let his sisters listen to recorded dialogue with Lily much to their joy and surprise . - Painful memories. -Oh Lily, I wish I was like you on multiple occasions.-Lisa told her.-You fall asleep without a care in your tiny baby brain. (We open on an alarm buzzing and then a hand hits the snooze button and that hand belonged to the 11 year old girl, Linka Loud. - Lucy said grabbing Lincoln's arms. -Luan already told me about mom and dad being gone.-Luna replied instantly. The parents were overjoyed but Rita felt tired and went sleep. Let's make a blood bond. If you keep yelling at Leo, he won't be fond to you. - Lincoln said with smiling and tearly eyes - I am so happy knowing that you love me too. - Rita asked - He loves you like everyone else. - Lucy commented - Have you ever wondered why I have my eyes covered? -Sure!-Luna answered.-But I'll also be listening to the radio if you don't mind. - Lori said touched - Let's go then. - Blah, blah, blah. -This is the two-player version.-Lincoln said picking up a dollar.-Want to play? - You say this every time mom expects another child. Lincoln then walks over to Lily, and picks up the sleeping baby. Rita's nurse summoned her family to her room. - Lincoln gave Luna what she asked him for, - Hihi-haha - Leo giggled while Luna was rubbing him with soap - Oh-oh! -Where's my section? - He fears all what's not human. When the brothers came to aid Linka, Luke's line "You want some water?" -I can't believe I wished my brother out of existence!-Luna said sadly. - Leni commented - You were so identical then. Sibling's love: a feeling as pure and beautiful as that which can exist between parents and their children; a feeling so magical that can only exist between those people. -Maybe alone, but it's not when you've got a partner!-Luan told them.-Thanks again for that Lincoln. - You grow fast. Having now beco. -Do you think Lincoln is still somewhere?-Lynn asked.-And if so, do you think he's alright? The older roommate was surprised by the younger one's new hair. - Luna commented annoyed - Haven't we spoken about it? - Luna told me this once. -Why'd he want to leave in the first place? - Nothing. It was a typical Saturday morning in the Loud House, the Loud siblings were causing lot of noise by doing what they enjoy doing the most. -Really!-Lincoln said happily.-I'm going to Camp Insert Camp Title Here for the whole week?! -Yeah, you look like your day has been terrible.-Lola finished. Also, when she comes out of the bathroom barefoot, she has two left feet. Take camera. - Lana said - You're more playful than him. Luna opens the door and sees a white haired boy with an orange polo shirt, and luggage surrounding him. He closed his door, put Lily on his bed and turned on his tape recorder. - Just help him adjust his new room. Angst. -I promise you'll enjoy this!-Lincoln replied.-Are you still gonna hang out with me? Lynn and Lucy just keep walking, Lincoln heads into Lori and Leni's room. I promised myself to not be like this for my younger sisters. When she received no answer, she opened the door only to find out that her brother was nowhere in the room. - How is that supposed to help? - Leni complained - Lincoln, give him to me. The screen splits diagonally, revealing Linka on the bottom. - I have same feeling I had during your birth, bro. Lincoln turned on the camera and put it next to mirror so it could record Leo's bath. Lincoln types LL & LL into the game and presses enter. - You still have me. - Leni replied - Lynn often played with you in boucning ball and in wrestling she loved this very much. Let me make you smile. Leo cried even more. -Thanks Lincoln!-Lola and Lana said in unison. - Lola asked herself. - Leo began chewing Bun-Bun's ears, - Hey, that's not to eat! - Rita said, - Since when fun with me hurts? - I thought there was a mirror back then. - Lincoln replied - Lana and Lola mimicked each other. - Did I really say this? Lincoln organized her test tubes, separated chemicals, vacuumed the floor, and combed Lisa's normally shaggy hair. - Leni said rubbing Lincoln's back - When you were a baby you wanted to be with Luna only. - You take it too seriously. - Lana asked, - I was playing with Leo when this insidious Luna surprised me and stole him from me! - Lincoln commented - This will make you an older sister. Lynn is the only sister whose male counterpart shares the same name as her, as Lynn is a unisex name (although it is more common as a girl's name). - Luna commented, crying - And he has same hair colour as mine. - Lori said annoyed and entered her room, - I guess she's just tired because of this stress she gets by taking care of all of us. But even sisters have their weaknesses, and this year wasn't an exception. -Really Lincoln? - Sure, after all the couch is softer than your bed. - Luna covered Leo's ears - He'll get rid of your odor. - What's happening, Rita? We will teach you how to do this. - Lincoln said. He tries to drink the water. - I hope you'll keep your word. Then you were afraid of being different. -Hey Lincoln.-Lana said.-What's going on? - Lincoln once told me Lori yelled at him a lot when he was a baby. Outside Luna met Lori and the both returned home for lunch time. Hut!" -Look girly, you know how many girls behind you would pay full price for these?-The cashier said as Leni turned to see 12 girls who were holding up money for the shoes. When he only had five minutes left, instead of being 10:25, it was 10:30 on the clocks on the second floor. Suddenly a noise came from open window. - Lana commented, - Can I just look at him? While Lynn and Lana were playing Luna and Lincoln came to the bathroom with Leo. - Luna said laughing - We all bathed together. Leni walks to the register, but can't fully pay for the shoes. - Leni asked - We all shall be happy from our new brother. - Did I just hear two cryings? -I thought it was terrifying!-Leni told them. - Lucy said - Then he'll stop crying. - Absolutelly no! - What are you going to say? Lincoln falls through the portal and into a dimension that he believes is his original world. -Yeah!-Lincoln exclaimed.-I agree with all of you! - Lisa replied - Can't a genius have sense of humor? - Leni commented - Now I need to measure you. - Lana commented - He just wants to play. -Do you know how long it took me to catch all those lizards? ? Lynn opens the door and sees the empty room and empty bed. -In a family as big as mine, you can't go a single day without anyone being mad at each other.-Lincoln told the audience.-In fact, it's average to have about six of us mad at each other a day! I believe in you! - Lily can speak! This is my own version of the Loud House where I move to Royal Woods, Michigan. - Hihi-haha. The bus drives off, and the girls wake up a few hours later. - Lincoln commented. Lincoln's voice remains the same in other international dubs. - Lucy said sadly, - Now that you're all gathered I have important news to announce. - Lincoln took Leo and tried to calm him down but it didn't work.
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