es6 will produce a slightly smaller bundle, but be wary of global variables and functions which could conflict with other libraries. With the following set-up it transpiles some of the code classes functions for example but it doesn't transpile const to var's: My question is: how do I successfully transpile a single or multiple node_modules packages (given above example, if of help)? Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. The main strategy people adopt is having 2 builds: You can use an environment variable like process.env.IS_LEGACY_BUILD (the name is arbitrary - Sapper calls it SAPPER_LEGACY_BUILD) to toggle this behavior between builds. Type: 'bundled' | 'runtime' | 'inline' | 'external' To do this, most websites transpile their code and deliver polyfills which reimplement functionality already included in modern browsers. However, if youre on a larger team creating a Node.js project, it can be preferable to install Rollup.js locally to ensure all developers are using the same version. Note that Rollup.js and all plugins are installed locally. Install the following plugins: Then include Babel in your configuration file: Then append this code to your plugins array: The output.format must also be changed to es or cjs before running. Let take a look at how to do just that. Function.prototype.toString issues in IE11 Svelte/Babel/Rollup, Trying to run babel : "cannot find module @babel/core", Error: Identifier 'Reader' has already been declared while bundling fstream with rollup.js, In Rollup, create ESM module with no babel transpiling except Flow, Jest and Babel transpilation - SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. What does 'They're at four. to your external dependencies) .babelrc files, relying instead on the configuration you pass in. Setup. You can also run Babel on the generated chunks instead of the input files. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. I assume that this is because Esbuild . Transpile specific `node_modules` package with rollup and babel See the Super-Simple tsconfig.json example above. The following command can be run from the root of the project folder to process src/main.js and its dependencies: A single script at build/bundle.js is output. If you're using Babel to transpile your ES6/7 code and Rollup to generate a standalone bundle, you have a couple of options: Both approaches have disadvantages in the first case, on top of the additional configuration complexity, you may end up with Babel's helpers (like classCallCheck) repeated throughout your code (once for each module where the helpers are used). The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: One possible work around is switching form Babel to Bubl. Unless you need to support IE11, you probably dont need to use Bubl to convert your code to ES5.. The API uses similar parameters to the configuration file so you can create an asynchronous function to handle bundling. But I really do need to transpile node_modules I've picked up a project where the target env doesn't handle .spread and it looks like the rollup config isn't transpiling it. . Packaging Vue Components for npm Vue.js The rollup-starter-project already demonstrates how to transpile from ES2015 to ES5. I'm using rollup and would like to babel transpile a single node_modules package to ES5 (more precisely: to work with IE11). From what I can tell, it sounds like you're trying to compile to CommonJS output instead of e.g. If there's something that could be done to make it more clear we'd be happy to adjust as needed. When webpack 2+, Rollup, or other modern build tools are used, they will pick up on the module build. The following configuration detects the NODE_ENV environment variable and removes the source map when its set to production: The value of NODE_ENV can be set from the command line on macOS or Linux: However, Rollup.js also allows you to temporarily set/override environment variables in the --environment flag. Since we were previously implying that MyCoolClass had a property called isCool by setting it in the constructor we could remove this error by explicitly specifying the property. It contains all code, but notice that unused dependencies such as the getAll() function in src/lib/dom.js have been removed: The HTML