Asset Pipeline: Prevent copying of Asset Import parameters, saving multiple seconds during a clean project import. (UUM-2299), URP: Fixed a wireframe view issue in URP. Burst: Fixed compilation error when using CompileFunctionPointer from Burst in code compiled with Roslyn on .NET 7+. So, here are a couple of things you can try to troubleshoot these types of problems: Close Unity, delete your Library folder, then re-open Unity. HDRP: Fixed diffusion profile list upgrade. (UUM-7911), HDRP: Fixed unnecessary loss of precision when all post processing are disabled. So you cannot use a Screen Space Overlay Canvas to control the position of a MeshRenderer. An array containing all triangles in the Mesh. Video: Enabled VideoPlayer time update mode for PS4 and PS5. Editor: Obsoleted: PresetSelector.ShowSelector(Object, Preset, bool, PresetSelectorReceiver) is now obsolete. (UUM-21895), Linux: Fixed nullpointer exception for rapidly open and close selection icon dropdown. (1417428), Animation: Fixed AnimationStream.SetGlobalRotation() that was numerically instable and storing non-normalized quaternions in the internal stream. (UUM-11362), VFX Graph: Added missing DepthNormal pass for Unlit & Unify SSAO integration with Unlit for URP. Scripting: Removed: Visual Studio Code package is now deprecated. Editor: Deprecated: Renamed RayTracingAccelerationStructure.RASSettings to RayTracingAccelerationStructure.Settings. 2D: Improved user experience for creating Tile Palettes. Scripting: Added: New Object.FindObjectsByType() function added to replace the now obsoleted Object.FindObjectsOfType(). (UUM-6395), Editor: Fixed an issue where the texture previews only worked with Tex2D types in the Frame Debugger. 0 (UUM-21600), com.unity.xr.core-utils: 2.2.0-pre.2 2.2.0, com.unity.xr.interaction.toolkit: 2.3.0-pre.1 2.3.1, com.unity.terrain-tools: 5.1.0-pre.1 5.1.0. (Read Only), Gets the number of vertex buffers present in the Mesh. (UUM-12221), VFX Graph: Improved handling of infinite values with Gizmo. Burst: Fixed MethodDecoderException when trying to call CompileFunctionPointer on a nested static method. GI: Added geometry warnings for invalid meshes in LightBaker. ). Scripting: Fixed case when trying to serialize generics with generic fields of types from different assemblies. (UUM-6514). Build Pipeline: Fixed an issue where clean builds did not remember state about the built files, thus files in a build could not be deleted in subsequent builds. (UUM-20917), IL2CPP: Improved stability of generated field names. Parabolic, suborbital and ballistic trajectories all follow elliptic paths. (UUM-25486). 2D: Added API to allow Sprite to get and set references to ScriptableObjects. Attachments: Shadergraph: Corrected a regression in float preview properties not updating previews. Allocates data structures for Mesh creation using C# Jobs. Gradle templates in existing projects will have to be recreated based on new default templates when upgrading projects created with previous Unity versions. Physics 2D: Added a new Physics2D.simulatedLayers property that controls which layers are simulated when the automatic FixedUpdate or Update simulation modes are used. Good for floor and ground textures. (UUM-9458), Android: Unlock image set on each lock rather than only on the first. A Terrain GameObject adds a large flat plane to your scene and you can use the Terrains Inspector window to create a detailed landscape. Android: Fixed asset packs functionality for GameActivity. (UUM-9969), UI Toolkit: Fixed UI Toolkit runtime panels sometimes ignoring clicks in a build. For some reason your suggested change could not be submitted. How about saving the world? Editor: Added rebindable shortcut possibility for GameView Stats button. UI Toolkit: Fixed element becoming invisible after a reorder in an animated ListView. Graphics: Added: Added new Scripting API function signatures for setting buffers in ray tracing shaders. Returns the first active loaded object of Type type. (UUM-11356). (UUM-19333), Physics 2D: Fixed an issue when using the 2D Physics Multithreaded solver so that contact processing time no longer increases over time under certain circumstances. Fix for Vulkan validation error when GFR is disabled. Editor: 1. A type of Bump Map texture that allows you to add surface detail such as bumps, grooves, and scratches to a model which catch the light as if they are represented by real geometry. Physics 2D: Added: Collider2D.compositeCapable added to indicate if a Collider2D is capable of using the CompositeCollider2D. (UUM-13369). Do not destroy the target Object when loading a new Scene. Editor: Obsoleted: PlayerSettings API using BuildTargetGroup is now obsolete, use it with NamedBuildTarget instead. HDRP: Fixed graphics issues with sky and fog in game view when filtering objects in the hierarchy. Package: Updated Sequences (com.unity.sequences) to 2.0.1. Graphics: Fixed RenderTexture assets not accepting texture dimensions greater than 20000 in UI, even though they currently can already go up to 32768 in script if the graphics capabilities allow for it. Shaders: Fixed progressive shader warmup so it now terminates when a single shader required three or more calls to warm up. Package: Added: Added a new property on IAdaptivePerformance to access the active subsystem. (UUM-29722), Editor: Fixed issue where mouse up and mouse down events were reported twice in OnGUI when using the Device Simulator. Package: Added cache result of SelectionContainsPrefabInstance in Editor Window to avoid unnecessary recalculations. The textures appear normal when viewing scenes in the editor. (UUM-13946), HDRP: Removed unused voluimetric clouds volume component on new scenes templates. Version Control: Updated branding from "Plastic SCM" to "Unity Version Control" (UUM-3478), UI Toolkit: Fixed the size of the UI document for multiples dispaly. (1417269), Video: Improved Variable Frame Rate support for Apple platforms. (1421739). (UUM-9524), Undo System: Fixed an issue that PrefabInstance status will now get correctly set if the Prefab has been deleted after the undo operation was recorded. HDRP: Fixed performance when using low quality shadows. UI Toolkit: Fixed caret in disappearing depending on Reference DPI. HDRP: Fixed Volumetric Clouds jittering when sun is not casting shadow. GI: Added various minor refactorings, bugfixes, and improvements to the internal LightBaker subsystem. Android: Changed the default scripting backend to IL2CPP for new projects. Version Control: Removed: Removed Collab and its dependency from the package. (DOTSE-1989), Editor: Fixed mouse offset for dragging elements to the inspector on Linux. (UUM-27639). UI Toolkit: Window/UIToolkit/UI Toolkit Event Debugger menu item is now only visible when its Project Settings is enabled. Universal RP: Improved visual quality of FXAA so it no longer introduces structured noise and blurring. HDRP: Added raytraced shadows for Pyramid and Box shaped Spot Lights. b) Assign triangles. Graphics: Added: Added SystemInfo API calls for anisotropic filtering support and max anisotropy level supported. (UUM-25396), Editor: Fixed filtering result is not removed and folder contents shown when using "Frame Selected" or its shortcut "F" in the Project window. (UUM-26172), HDRP: Fixed a bug occuring on TAAU when the camera rect gets adjusted has been fixed. (UUM-26859), Editor: Fixed issue where textures are not generated when Naming option in Import Settings of an FBX file is changed to "From Model's Material". (UUM-10259), Shaders: Fixed a rare issue with auxiliary texture properties not being initialized properly. A mesh will always render according to its world position and the perspective of the camera (s) viewing it. (UUM-13880), HDRP: Fixed tiling artifacts with physically based DoF. (UUM-21676), Shaders: Fixed an issue where Material.SetOverrideTag would not warn when trying to override LightMode. Documentation: Optimized the example code in HDRP documentation related to Raytracing Settings override. Shadergraph: Fixed issue where nodes with dynamic vectors would not correctly cache properties for previews. So as you see in the picture, i made a texture repeat on a rectangle (its size is 40,10,60) but it repeat the same amount of time on every face,so depending of the size of the face the texture is stretched. (UUM-19077), HDRP: Fixed an issue where Fog Volume Voxelization would serialize execution of the compute pipe. 2D: Fixed pasting unassociated data to Skinning Editor so it no longer throws console errors. (UUM-2140), HDRP: Fixed cloud layer so it now matches with ambient lighting. I had something similar happen recently on a project where multiple user accounts were editing assets in a shared folder. (UUM-6360), HDRP: Fixed scroll speed in Local Density Volumes not updating. Documentation: Clarified ray tracing acceleration structure GPU memory lifetime in Scripting API documentation. (UUM-14778), IL2CPP: Fixed the C++ compilation error when structs have static fields with circular type references. Replaced with an info box when enabling Read/Write that triggers if Unity detects a texture over 512MB. (UUM-10374), IL2CPP: Fixed an issue to allow access to special folders in Windows Store apps. (UUM-22161), macOS: Enabled VSync now works correctly when moving the Editor window between screens with different refresh rates. Resetting permissions on all files in the project fixed it. (UUM-11633). (UUM-24989), Build Pipeline: Fixed Player Build fails until scrolling "Scenes In Build" in Build Settings (many deleted scenes). Core: Added: Added Transform.GetLocalPositionAndRotation, Transform.GetPositionAndRotation, TransformAccess.GetLocalPositionAndRotation, TransformAccess.GetPositionAndRotation, TransformAccess.SetLocalPositionAndRotation, TransformAccess.SetPositionAndRotation. (UUM-552), VFX Graph: Fixed an issue when motion vector is applied on line using targetOffset, the VFXLoadParameter was missing. HDRP: Fixed scalarization issues on a console platform. Android: Added: Expose UnityPlayer.invokeOnMainThread, a helper function for delegating callbacks on game loop thread. (UUM-3085), Scripting: Fixed an issue where assembly validation errors disappear when clearing console messages. (UUM-20112), HDRP: Fixed an issue with Bloom and Depth of Field in game view when filtering in the hierarchy. Also fixed an AudioManager.GetStreamVolume exception when targeting API Level 29 or later, which caused the AudioSettings.Mobile.stopAudioOutputOnMute feature to not work correctly, if enabled. This optimization caused too many bugs. Graphics: Fixed LoadRawTextureData failing when the input NativeArray contained more than 2 GB of data. Build Pipeline: Fixed a bug where the player data cache would not distinguish between server builds and normal standalone players, which could cause the wrong data ending up in players. Which was the first Sci-Fi story to predict obnoxious "robo calls"? (UUM-20800), SRP Core: Fixed a serialization error when Recovering Default Volume Profile after it was deleted from the project folder. HDRP: Fixed several issues for High Quality Line Rendering that were discovered on the "Enemies" production. HDRP: Fixed the volumetric clouds presets so it now propagates their values if changed by script. Please try again in a few minutes. (UUM-26885), Editor: Fixed jumping of intensity slider values in Color Picker HDR. HDRP: Changed ACES luminance fit to allow pure whites. For line meshes, each line XR: Updated AR Foundation, ARCore, and ARKit pre-release versions to 5.1.0-pre.3. (UUM-14611), Linux: Fixed diagnostic switches so it can now be set using command line arguments. (UUM-597), IL2CPP: Enabled properly forwarding declare generic value type pointer arguments. (DSTR-692), Editor: Fixed an issue where th About window failed to show the full version after pressing "Option" (Alt on Windows) key. Android: Fixed a sporadic crash on screen rotation when Optimized Frame Pacing was enabled. Note: The propagations of ExecuteCommandEvent, ValidateCommandEvent, DragExitedEvent, MouseEnterWindowEvent, MouseLeaveWindowEvent, IMGUIEvent events are not affected by this change. (UUM-16433), Editor: Fixed an issue where the Editor would launch the Hub when it is not already running, but would then incorrectly display the "Install Unity Hub" dialog instead of connecting to the Hub to perform the action. (UUM-21372) (UUM-7369, UUM-9583). SRP Core: Added: Added HDR output utilities to handle keywords and shader stripping. Upload previously done Mesh modifications to the graphics API. (MTT-4695), Build Pipeline: Fixed BuildPipeline issue for Android platform and MacStandalone builds which asks for a name and directory even when it has the last saved location details, when triggered using Ctrl+B (Windows) or Cmd+B (macOS) keyboard shortcut. Editor: Fixed Overlay.OnWillBeDestroyed so it is now called on all cases. (UUM-28633). Graphics: Fixed Graphics.CopyBuffer and GetData/SetData for non-compute targets when using Vulkan. Documentation: Removed legacy command line argument 'vrmode' from documentation. Are there any canonical examples of the Prime Directive being broken that aren't shown on screen? Graphics: Fixed crash in ScriptableBatchRenderer::ApplyShaderPass when switching between URP and HDRP. XR: Updated the AR Foundation related packages to 5.0.0-pre.13. HDRP: Improved the name for Dynamic Resolution property. Kernel: Performance in heavily run code paths for NativeArray, UnsafeUtility, and AtomicSafetyHandle improved through inlining. (UUM-10370), Windows: Fixed Build to source folder when the project build dir is deleted. Core: Added: Added BuildCustomSphereMesh() to DebugShapes. Texture does not scale correctly on a mesh, suddenly, mesh modified by perlin noise is symmetric. Burst: Fixed an issue that the "LLVM IR Optimisation Diagnostics" tab in Burst Inspector was blank if "Native Debug Mode Compilation" was enabled. Undo System: The Undo history now records the name of changed properties ("Modified Intensity") instead of just showing "Modified Property". (UUM-28355) Does methalox fuel have a coking problem at all? Editor: Improved performance of Transform.Find() API especially when working with large numbers of children. (UUM-17026), Editor: Fixed Shift+alpha keys so that they are now recognized in certain keyboard layouts when you switch layouts using the shortcut. Graphics: Fixed a case where GraphicsBuffer.UnlockBufferAfterWrite could sometimes take a long time on D3D11. Graphics: Added: Added overridable property renderPipelineShaderTag on the RenderPipelineAsset. Asset Bundles: Added capability to Asset Bundles that target Windows/OSX/Linux platforms and the Dedicated Server subtarget so that they are now built with the same Dedicated Server optimizations that built Dedicated Server Players receive (removing texture data and non-collision mesh data). (UUM-8351), VFX Graph: Fixed an unexpected compilation failure with URP Lit Output. . (UUM-16351), IL2CPP: Fixed C++ compilation error when structs have static fields with circular type references. Physics2D.OverlapAreaNonAlloc - Equivalent functionality is "Physics2D.OverlapArea". Visual Scripting: Detected and fixed parameter renames for nodes that support a default parameter for each of their inputs. (UUM-8489), Particles: Fixed invert culling API when used with Particle Systems. The material does work on smaller objects like a simple sphere, but not on my big arena model, which is actually imported from blender, any suggestions? This allows renderers to be placed into the deformation system most suitable for the renderer. Android: Obsoleted: PlayerSettings.Android.minifyWithR8 is obsolete now. Graphics: Fixed a crash on launch when the most prioritized graphics API is Vulkan and Vulkan drivers are not fully functional. (UUM-14787). Graphics: Added: Added RayTracingAccelerationStructure.AddInstances for adding multiple ray tracing instances of a Mesh to the acceleration structure. Recalculates the UV distribution metric of the Mesh from the vertices and uv coordinates.
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