Others may use theirminions for coverin this case, consider applying theInterpose advantage to minions or even a mandatoryInterpose-like effect that allows a Jobber to sacrificean adjacent minion to block a heros attack.CAPERSAdventures involving a Jobber may include:A CONTEST OF CRIMINALSOver a few drinks, several Jobbers decide to settlewhich of them is the best by all targeting the sametreasure. Defenses: Dodge 4, Parry 4, Smell, Low-light Vision, Tracking, Ultra-hearing). Defense: Dodge 10, Parry 6, Fort 3, Tou 0, spiders and scorpions as well.Will 6. roes have to locate the secret school and break it up, all the while dealing with the Shadow Sensei and the lat- est class of students, for whom this may be their gradu- ation exercise.DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDE 115MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS MASTER OF DISGUISEThe Master of Disguise is a specialist in deception, able (affecting only the villain and only to match thought to ap-to appear as anyone, or perhaps even anything! A Skill Mimic able to copy multiple subjects can Identity Crisis: Mental or psychological confusion due tobecome incredibly skilled in many different areas, able to mimicking different subjects.rival a whole team of heroes. MASTERMINDThe Mastermind is a mentalist supervillain, possessing dinary mental prowess, and the exact types of powers theconsiderable intellect and psionic abilities which compen- Mastermind possesses.sate for a relative lack of physical prowess. NAME IDEASTHEMES Doppelganger, Effigy, Everyman, False-While the typical Master of Dis- Face, Imitator, Incognito, Manikin, Mr. No-guise is fairly low-powered, body, Nemo (meaning no one)you can create a more formi-dable version by applying the CLASSIC BITSMimic or Shapeshift powers,allowing the villain to copy The following are some classic bits in-others physical traits as well as volving the Master of Disguise:appearance. Some classic elements associated with the Mad Scientist include:A sub-type of the Monster-Maker is the Robot-Builder,who creates new life out of steel, silicon, and plastic. You're Reading a Free Preview Pages 12 to 23 are not shown in this preview. STR 0 STA 0 AGL 0 DEX 0 FGT 0 INT 2 AWE 2 PRE 1Targets Immune to Fortitude effects or with any rank of Equipment: Camera, computer, digital recorder, smartphone.Impervious Toughness can ignore the swarms attack. 6 Conspiracies: Spy-tech orpsychicdevices; complex schemes based aroundthe Truthabout the Con- spiracy and whoever is behind it, paranoid precautions and security measures. It might require taking away the Item of Power,Item a villain has worked to acquire, or the cosmic mis- or tricking the villain into over-extending his abilities ortake that assigns something meant for a heroic wielder using them in some way that ensures his defeat.to a less worthy subject. Skills:This archetype represents small, tailed monkeys like the Athletics 4 (+7), Perception 7 (+8), Stealth 3 (+14). Whatever the source of the power, itis, for all intents and purposes, limitless (with possibly oneexception, see One Weakness, following).CMON, LETS PLAY!Looking for entertainment, the Imp is more prone thanmost antagonists toward playing games, often childishor cruel (or both), such as high-powered versions of hide-and-seek, scavenger hunts, tag, checkers (perhaps playedwith buildings or landmarks, or living pieces), or varioussports or board games. Naturally, the they are all that can stop the villain from becoming theMartial Artistindeed, all of the great martial artistsare ultimate assassin!there. Not all demons are created equal, nor are theyall the same. Of course, then the Pup-the good guys on the wrong side of the law. Skill Mimics only duplicate powers with askillortraining descriptor (or something similar). Defenses: Dodge 0, Parry 0, Fortitude Powers: Growth 2 (Permanent, Innate), Protection 4, Senses 9, Toughness 9, Will 6. This instructionStrength-based Damage effects) and an additional +1 manual contains martial arts secrets lost to the ages andDodge defense while remaining at PL11. Totals: Because they are created from the mind, tulpas can take Abilities 14 + Powers 16 + Advantages 0 + Skills 4 + Defenses almost any form, particularly those created from dreams, 8 = Total 42 points. Offense: Init +3, Unarmed +3 (Close, Damage 6). The Mimicarranges means ofsurveillance and in-telligence gathering(spy-cams, magicalscrying, hired minions,etc.) However, you may wish to sim- This is the classic Mimic type: a villain able to duplicateply treat the villains power level as fluid, changing it as the subjects powers, often the powers of multiple sub-needed to reflect the Mimics current capabilities. Perhaps the organizers of the bout are of- like professional soldiers or ninja (see the Ninja minionsfering a bigger prize, or are looking to gain something from on page 140 for examples). A powerful Vampire could even be the leader of a legion of such nightmare creatures. You can create largerpterosaurs by adding ranks of Growth to increase size andother traits accordingly.148 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESDRAGON PL9 MR6 Gargoyles are flying creatures with stony hides. Eventually, sheThe Vampire as presented is a somewhat low-powered foe goes to join her new lord and master so he may completefor a group of superheroes, unless the characters are PL 8 her transformation. Abilities 14 + Powers 15 + Advantages 0 + Skills 2 + Defenses 6 = Total 9 points.A popular sidekick among Golden-Age heroes, the trusty This archetype represents most horses. This is a -1 cost per rank flaw and, if its ap- particularly gruesome and dangerous foes.plied to the villainous Mimics power, looks like this: NEMESIS Mimic: Variable 20 (100 points), Continuous, Move Action, The Nemesis is a kind of Mimic who, rather than using the LimitTainted Mimicry (Acquires subjects complications heroes own powers against them, has the traits necessary and weaknesses as well as their traits) 160 points to counter their powers, replacing the Mimic power with a Variable effect called Nemesis. Try one of the sub-categories links above. Download PDF Share Related Publications. when the Sorcerer is usually too busy to pull another van- ishing act, or unwilling to abandon the culmination of aRituals are usually elaborate, having to be performed at a scheme to the heroes.particular place and time, and needing exotic ingredientsranging from a rare flower from the highlands of Tibet to TACTICSthe heart of a pure maiden (symbolically or literally). Totals: Abilities 38 + Powers 15 + Advantages 5 + Skills 14 (28 CULT INITIATE PL2 MR2 ranks) + Defenses 16 = 88 points. They are seeking new ways to un- an ape able to disguise itself as a human.derstand and control life, perhaps improving it, even tothe point of conquering death! Many could become wealthyTHEMES if they learned to apply their technological insights or patented their creations, but somhow never manage to.A Jobbers theme revolves heavily around whatever This savant-level tinkering is always limited to their themeparticular power set they possess. the heroes lives to learn everything about them. It can be best to either encourage the playerIn addition to looking like other to take on both roles and play them equally,people, the Master of Disguise or for the GM to temporarily take control ofhas sufficient ranks of Mind the players character, just the same as if theReading to think like them as hero were otherwise under a villains influ-well. If the Martial Artist agrees, thenthe outcome is binding. Advantages: Benefit 1 (Athletics based on Agility). The villains powersmight also be dependent on a se- In the case of a player character, thisrum or other source. Totals: Abilities 8 + Powers 23 + Advantages 0 +the necessary skills, including interaction skills, Insight, andpossibly Expertise: Magic. of new and innovative challenges. Natural competitors, Ultimate Fightermedieval Japan, or a more modern interpretation of their types test their skills in the crucible of the fighting ringlegend. These manipulates people through Presence, interaction skillsare often clones or alien replicants, although they can just and guile. Earth!A government or corporate facility researching deadly The heroes have to trace the theft, and later heists of thebioengineered diseases is locked down after a major se- necessary materials and equipment, back to the villainscurity breach releases a deadly cocktail into the air, kill- hidden lair. Lethal Legion. Offense: Init +2, Attack +1 ous snakes: asps, cobras, rattlesnakes, vipers, and so forth. They leave that to their various minions, who The archetypes here can serve as a baseline for creatingalso run interference, fetch needed components, or kid- more exotic creatures. Now both infernal pow-roes getting involved in local affairs or running into com- ers are coming to collect their due, and neither will bepetition for the talismans. They Master, or anything with Cosmic, Mega-, Power, Supreme,can round out the characters arsenal of attacks and provide or Ultimate in it.some additional effects. This gives theRobot something to acquire and the heroes something CAPERSto guard, or recover if the Robot manages to get its arti-ficial hands on it. Eventually, the Mimic will have copiedstrengthto do things their individual subjects cannot. panned the Mad Scientists latest discovery or invention, claiming it isIn some cases, a Mad Scientist needs flawed, too dangerous, or simply wontexpert assistance, which usually involves work. The reporter archetype can also be (Accurate Hearing, Low-light Vision, Ultra-hearing), Swimming used for any other type of professional by swapping out 5 (16 MPH). 11 Halloween: Spooky devices and crimes intended to frighten or spook. Skills: Close Dinosaurs are most commonly the minions of monster-Combat: Claws 2 (+5), Deception 4 (+4), Expertise: Magic 4 makers who have resurrected them using cloning, or time-(+4), Insight 4 (+4), Perception 4 (+4), Stealth 4 (+9). Rogues Gallery VTT Token Pack $14.99 Totals: Abilities 22 + Powers 0 + Advantages 5 + Skills 16 + Defenses 16 = Total 59 points.about the end of the world. until circumstances force him into the ring to earn money or protect a loved one from criminal elements. 2 (+4), Perception 4 (+6), Persuasion 4 (+5), Stealth 4 (+4), VehiclesFor non-flying creatures, remove the swarms Flight. There might be a reason for the Impsparticular style or it could just be a matter of taste. Do not overlook the Martial Artists abilityhero turning against a teacher who stepped over the line to use Redirect when fighting multiple opponents, settingor unable to save a student who followed the wrong path. 18 Stage Magic: Elaborate magic tricks and use of props such as top hats, magic wands, vanishing cabi- nets, and sawing people in half (often not a trick). Offense: Init +2, Claws +7 (Close, Damage 3). Many players may be inclinedable to fool unusual sens- to simply capture or knock out both charac-es. sistants and minions to get them! A Mad Scientist with the heroes in his clutches can go on for some time aboutTHE LAB his brilliance, but catch one out in the open and hes more likely to cower behind his flunkies or try and make a breakEvery scientist needs somewhere to work, and setting up, for it.maintaining, and supplying a lab or workshop is impor-tant. We hope you find it useful. shows up to explain how the physical world needed someEither way, they have to figure out how to get rid of him livening up. Incapable of fully understanding the dividebefore his grandstanding creates a real disaster! they can read opponentsminds to learn their deepest fearsThe Brain may exult in its and desires. Often the undead state is merely136 DELUXE GAME MASTERS GUIDECHAPTER 3: ARCHETYPESa steppingstone toward an eventual goal of apotheo-sisthe achievement of virtual godhoodeven if thewhole world must be sacrificed on the altar of theSorcerers ambition.NAME IDEASArcanix, Eidolon, Infernus, Magus, Mor-gan, Umbrus, often with a title likeDoctor or Master in front of it formen and Lady or Madame in frontof it for women. Rather thanrules of the Imps game (or trickery involving said rules). Comic the result of a biological accident or experiment, perhapsbook Vampires tend to focus less on the horror aspects concerning tissue regeneration or blood-borne diseases.of the legend and treat them more as an exotic type of The villain often has the various qualities of a Vampire,super-human. Often, an Androids hu- a giant robot master villain. quickly learn that having the Imp on your side isnt nearly as helpful as it might seem.In addition to an inherent weakness or winning the termsof the Imps game, the Cosmic Brat may have another limi- For one thing, the Imp still doesnt understand humantation: sooner or later, Mom and Dad might come looking. limitations or customs, going around violating all kinds of laws and procedures to get the job done. Mind Control INITIATIVE +0 thing they control in the game (their character). +6, Mind Lash +7 (Close, Damage 7; Will Resists), Unarmed +7Jinx faeries are withdrawn and grumpy, and cause bad (Close, Damage 2).
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