Olmert was a very unpopular prime minister. The Syrian military said the strike had left six personnel and a number of others injured, and caused "huge material damage". WebThe Syrian Civil War is an ongoing violent conflict in Syria between pro-democratic insurgents and Syrian President Bashar al-Assads long-standing dynastic regime. Capt Davis said they targeted "aircraft, hardened aircraft shelters, petroleum and logistical storage, ammunition supply bunkers, air defence systems, and radars", describing them as "things that made the airfield operate". Barak also thought an attack could embroil Israel in a war with Syria, in which it would again become clear that the IDF and the home front were not properly prepared. On the way back, in order to reduce weight and save fuel, one of the planes jettisoned an empty fuel container. Olmert and Bush in Washington, D.C., 2007. [31][32], However, between 28 April-2 May, the Ba'athist-dominated Military Committee virtually renounced the agreement when it purged over 50 Nasserist officers from their high-ranking positions in the armed forces, leading to a wide-scale propaganda campaign by Egypt via radio denouncing the Ba'ath (Nasserist-leaning newspapers had been previously shut down.) In 1955 the Jordan Valley Unified Water Plan (Johnston Plan) was accepted by the technical committees of both Israel and the Arab League, but the Arab League Council decided not to ratify the plan on 11 October 1955. Shelly said to us: You are champions.. The prime minister chose to ignore this suggestion. The secret mine that hid the Nazis' stolen treasure. The Syrian regime completed the destruction of the building. The lack of immediate response from the regime reinforced the prior intelligence hypothesis that Syria would show restraint following the attack. There, his deputy had already convened the men of the General Staff. Olmert quoted one of Assads speeches from early June in which the Syrian president predicted that toward the end of the summer there would be a development that would completely change the reality of the Middle East. The Israelis then moved the intake to an economically inferior site at the Sea of Galilee.[3]. Nechushtan, the head of the Planning Directorate, has said that according to the scenario the planning and intelligence directorates had drawn up, We were going to take Assad by surprise. Defense Minister Amir Peretz briefed his American counterpart Robert Gates, who was in Israel on a routine visit. Middle East. A Syrian living a few kilometres from the airbase told the BBC that he was awoken at about 03:45 by the force of the explosions. I am able to defeat Syria, said Olmert in that conversation, but I need you to act there specifically because of the Iranian nuclear program.. He did not revise his opinion when they sat together in sensitive deliberations in the cabinet and in smaller forums. Our assumption was that possibly the operation would be revealed publicly, and the Syrians would respond, and then it would become the opening move in a war. Rather, the question is whether to take a risk in order to prevent greater risks and for that reason there is no alternative to demolishing the reactor., Associates of Olmert describe an angry correspondence with Barak that day, which was conducted via messengers. The revolution was led by an anti-oligarchical alliance of a radicalised lower middle class, strategic members of the officer corps, marginalised minorities and a significant number of peasants who were mobilised for agrarian conflict. Shayrat airbase was the target of the US' first deliberate direct attack on Syrian forces since the start of the war six years ago. The picture was stolen from the laptop of the director of the Syrian Atomic Energy Commission. [10] Of the 150 delegates to the founding congress of the Arab Ba'ath Party in 1947, the majority were either middle-class professionals or intellectuals. According to Sufrin, after a month and a half of investigating, the Mossad research team concluded that Syria was working on a nuclear program of its own. [5] The landownerpeasant alliance was based on class differences, and social antagonism between each other this would lead to the landowner's downfall. Then, even if Livni were to replace him as prime minister, Barak would lead the Syria operation and take all the credit. At 1:30, we got back to Israel and landed at the base. The plan was that Assad would lead a company from al-Hariri's brigade to capture the air base before dawn to prevent air strikes. WebAbdulaziz al-Shalal (Redirected from Abdulaziz Al-Shalal) Major General Abdulaziz al-Shalal ( Arabic: ) was chief of the Syrian military police. If you dont do it, we will, he said. The plebeian character of the struggle and the radical ideologies spawned radical solutions to the agrarian problem. According to him, he did not recommend attacking a hot reactor, but rather said that it was necessary to prepare for any eventuality and that the reactor becoming operational should not cause the decision-makers in Israel to despair. The bottom 80 percent received the remainder. Even after the reactor was bombed, ripples in the Syrian-Iranian axis continued, with the incessant involvement of Hezbollah. Very quickly, it was given a name: the Cube. The tank landed on the Turkish side of the Syrian-Turkish border, creating two problems: First, the incident, and the photos of the tank with Hebrew writing on it, were evidence that an Israeli force had been in the area. WebShallal is a village in Syria. [37], The Nasserists still maintained a relatively high level of strength in the military, despite the purges, and on 18 July, under the leadership of Jassem Alwan and the help of Egyptian intelligence, they attempted to launch a daytime coup against the new government. To hear opinions from individuals beyond the heads of the military and the intelligence communities, Olmert consulted (as did then-Defense Minister Amir Peretz, separately) other experienced people and external oversight teams. [18], In Syria, religious minorities were often underprivileged, and a specific ethnicity usually belonged to a specific social class. It was the prime minister at that time, Menachem Begin, who established the doctrine whereby Israel will not allow any of its foes in the Middle East to develop nuclear weapons. When the F-16I crew reported Arizona, it was 12:25 A.M., Israel time, on Friday, September 6. We began to suspect that there, in broad daylight, a reactor was hiding.. According to David Makovsky, a researcher at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, in addition to eight attack planes, a number of other aircraft also took part in the operation. [24], On 8 February 1963, the Iraqi Regional Branch, led by Ali Salih al-Sa'di, took power in Iraq by overthrowing Abd al-Karim Qasim. [d], Later, on 19 June, Chief of Staff al-Hariri led a high-ranking delegation that included Prime Minister al-Bitar, Aflaq and Education Minister Sami Droubi to Algeria for a state visit. According to Sufrin, The Koreans and the Syrians built a camouflage structure on top of the reactor that made it look like a factory from the outside. F-15 pilot talks about striking the Syrian nuclear reactor. The weather along the way surprised us in a number of places. If we fail, you can disown us. In mid-August, Olmert convened a dramatic cabinet meeting to discuss the implications of the attack. The majority of Syrians continued to see themselves as Arabs rather than Syrians. WebA bomb attack on a military bus in central Damascus has killed 14 people, Syrian state media say. In 2005, Col. (today reserve brigadier general) Eli Ben Meir had taken up the position of head of the technology field in the research branch. In the meantime, Shkedi went to the Hatzerim and Ramon air bases to talk with the crews that would take part in the operation and to reveal the real target to most of them. Each plane drops two bombs. Because hes got the worlds biggest balls.. The spokesman also described the effectiveness of the US strike as "extremely low", saying only 23 missiles had reached Shayrat. The hitch, however, did not cast a pall on the success of the operation. I went to Olmert. The squadrons to which the mission was assigned were brought into the picture during the month of June, and only in a limited way. The then-newly appointed chief of staff, Gabi Ashkenazi, found an army that was depressed and mired in a deep crisis after some of its top brass had resigned, while others were still fighting the conclusions of the internal investigations and on edge about what might be said about them in the final report on the Second Lebanon War. Ultimately, however, the bombing of the reactor would not have happened without three people who believed in the mission and pushed the operation forward, unstintingly, throughout: Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Mossad chief Meir Dagan and Israel Air Force commander Eliezer Shkedi., >> Ten years of silence on Syria strike. At the Mossad they remained skeptical. In early November 2015, just over a month after launching an air campaign against Mr Assad's opponents, the Russian military reportedly began using Shayrat as a forward operating base for Mi-24 and Mi-35 attack helicopters. In those meetings Netanyahu and Barak were very firm in their opinion that Israel had to attack the reactor. By then, Mughniyeh was dead. While they failed to approve it politically, they nevertheless seemed determined to adhere to the technical details of the agreement. The prime minister dwelled in particular on the meaning of life in Israel under the shadow of a nuclear threat and warned that this was a condition that was liable to cause profound demoralization of Israels populace. He recently recalled: I looked at the dancing guests and I said to myself: Five hours from now, we could be waking them up with sirens and Scud missiles falling in the center of the country. But when you put researchers on a project, if theres something they will find it.. [citation needed]. In January 1964 an Arab League summit meeting convened in Cairo and decided: The establishment of Israel is the basic threat that the Arab nation in its entirety has agreed to forestall. The attacks were claimed by Islamic State group militants. The cabinet met for a discussion in Jerusalem in the morning. However the British, who had helped establish the state after World War I, made a secret agreement (Sykes-Picot Agreement) with France and established the Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon. The Mossad intelligence division distributed a document with an assessment to that effect in February 2004. By no stretch of the imagination will you come back without the reactor having been destroyed. There is no in-between. And before that, at the end of 2008 and beginning of 2009, came the Israeli military operation known as Cast Lead against Hamas in Gaza. Sources told the Guardian newspaper that US intelligence officials believed Russian personnel were at Shayrat "when Sarin was loaded on to a Syrian jet", but that "they have not established whether the Russians knew it was happening". The southernmost, and also the largest, stretched from the south-eastern part of the Sea of Galilee eastwards to the Yarmuk River where the borders of Israel, Jordan and Syria converge. The vast majority of those who took part in the meetings describe a very sharp, determined leader, almost chomping at the bit. Everyone there is jumping up and down in excitement, like in a Hollywood movie. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. The next breakthrough, in fact the turning point of the whole affair, occurred in Vienna in early March 2007. Webfacility destroyed. The military's introduction to the Syrian political scene destroyed the oligarchy enabling the middle class to participate in Syrian politics. The new middle class consisted of capitalists and entrepreneurs who opposed the traditional elite the monopolisation of power by the traditional elite led to the radicalisation of the new middle-class. Even the liberal and democratic-inclined founding leaders were partial to forceful takeover, citing the corrupt electoral process. A cell of Mossad agents from the Keshet unit broke into the apartment where Othman was staying and within less than an hour vacuumed up the information that was on the Syrian officials personal computer, which had remained in the apartment while he was taking part in the conference. People realized that there was something bigger here. Between June and September, the operational planning became more detailed, additional precise information about the destination came in, different methods of action were assembled and finally the crews were slotted into the operation. Authorize the operation.. According to the report, Ibrahim Othman, head of the Syrian Atomic Energy Commission, had come to Austria to participate in the deliberations of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The Ministry of Defence headquarters were seized without a fight, and General Zahr al-Din, the commander-in-chief, was put under arrest. At the time, the members were bound together by their goal of building a prosperous nation. According to what had agreed upon in advance, there was no communication between the planes: We maintained complete silence during the flight. Both al-Kudsi and al-Hawrani were easily tracked down and arrested. [2], Small scale water-related skirmishes had occurred following the 1949 agreements. Shamal. This isnt about bunkers with centrifuges 1,500 kilometers [more than 900 miles] away. [36] While al-Hariri was away, the Committee used the opportunity to undertake a purge of about 30 elite officersmostly political independentsunder al-Hariri's command. On 9 March, the NCRC ordered Salah al-Din al-Bitar, one of the Ba'ath Party founders, to form a government, and to implement the policies of the NCRC. One of the presidents close advisers later told a senior Israeli official that Bush replied in his typical Texas style: A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do. Bush also had another crude observation, about Olmert: You see why I love him? The military committee did not look favourably on the civilian leadership led by Michel Aflaq, objecting to his dissolution of the Ba'ath Party during the UAR years. This small and secret coterie headed by Suleiman was directly subordinate to the president; in Israel it was called the shadow army.. Since the attack in Syria we have also improved wonderfully in intelligence, in our range of action, in our ability to attack secretly., During the course of the past decade, the two operational air force squadrons have fiercely guarded the secret of the attack. You have done your bit for the people of Israel.. 2023 BBC. But it was aimed at this particular airfield for a reason, because we could trace this murderous attack back to that facility.". The Mossad led several overseas operations as part of that intelligence gathering. The US carried out additional airstrikes targeting enemy positions and rocket launchers near Deir ez-Zor in northeast Syria following a rocket attack on coalition bases WebAluf Benn. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was recommending a diplomatic move to thwart the reactor by means of applying pressure on Assad. Yet in 2008, IAEA inspectors found traces of radioactive substances there, and the agency said there was a high probability that a nuclear reactor had been in operation at the site. Secondly, it caused huge embarrassment vis--vis Turkey, which at the time was a country friendly to Israel, even though Recep Tayyip Erdogan was already serving as prime minister. [7]. [28], Umran was first given the command of the 5th Brigade in Homs, but was promoted in June to become commander of the 70th Armoured Brigade. Everything goes according to the advance briefing. [26], Assad led a small group of conspirators to capture the al-Dumayr air base, 40 kilometers (25mi) north-east of Damascus the only unit that resisted the coup. As was its wont, Damascus denied everything, and the IAEA did nothing about all this despite Syrias blatant violation of a treaty to which it was a signatory. Barak, shouting, argued that he had not authorized the presentation. Rescue workers said many children were among those killed or injured in the suspected chemical attack in Idlib. Gradually, it became clear that there were three competing approaches within the administration, and that the president was trying to choose among them. Russia said the Syrian jets had hit a rebel depot full of chemical munitions, but Mr Trump said "there can be no dispute that Syria used banned chemical weapons". Yet no less, it is also a story of a big intelligence failure the worst since the Yom Kippur War, according to a number of top intelligence people in which Israel somehow managed for years not to notice a reactor being built right under its nose, in a neighboring country on whose surveillance Israel was spending vast amounts of money.
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