Include name, home address, day number, and email. If you've ever made any money from your writing, Writers Weekly wants to hear about it. Include your name, address and phone number to be considered for publication. Saginaw - They must NEVER use deception or pretense to obtain information. They cover national and international affairs and arts. Op-eds: The Times-Dispatch welcomes columns from the community on the page opposite the Editorial Page. Email Us: They have both a print and online magazine and run pieces up to 5,000 words of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Payment: $50 per author for online issues, $5 per printed page (minimum of $20), This magazine claims not to be genre-specific, but in the same breath, Orchardadvertises that they're after anything that is dark, intense, and terrifying. There should be a well-reasoned expert analysis. We strongly favor letters of 250 words or fewer. This subset of the horror genre pays for short stories, cover art, and poetry (including haikus). Op-eds: Must be exclusive. Submit to this online form. Mslexia is only open to women, but the types of writing that you can submit are as varied as they come. Newsweek does not rely on information from social media for breaking news or for details of suspected killers or their motives. The shorter the better. No longer than 1000 words maximum. Payment: $45 per page, with a maximum of $450. THINK is NBC News' home for op-eds, in-depth analyses and essays about news and current events. The op-ed must be exclusive to the Washington Post, and can be any length, but it is unlikely to be accepted if it is over 750 words. For guidelines, please e-mail Email: Motivational and productivity articles are popular, as are mindset, gadget, and methodology pieces. Any kind of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry are considered, except for genre fiction. If your piece is accepted, you will hear back within 5 days. Any reporters in situations that could create conflicts of interest or the perception of such should raise this with senior editorial staff. They should be pasted directly into an email and sent to Fiction, poetry, and nonfiction are all published regularly, as writers (and readers) grapple with the ends we face here, and the beginnings we find elsewhere. Word count of 5,000 words on average, but editors prefer submissions to be between 3,000 to 4,000. Another magazine that encourages emerging writers, VQRs only criteria is that they publish the best writing they can find. Letters: The Fresno Bee edits letters for brevity, clarity, grammar and accuracy. They cannot be libelous, incendiary or offensive to broad portions of our readership. Although it may sound professional, History Magazine is not one of the strictly academic magazines that accept freelance submissions. By visiting any Newsweek website and viewing its content, you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this policy. It'll cost you $3 to submit your fiction or nonfiction piece that is less than a thousand words, or poem. You must include your email address, address with city and daytime phone number for verification. National or international news that impact Atlanta readers welcome as well. We have various subscription periods available which will renew automatically unless you decide to cancel. For those who love American history and those who love to write about it Early American Life is right up your alley. Taking its name from its traditional position opposite the editorial page of a newspaper, an op-ed is an opinion essay written by a staff columnist or an outside contributor. Submit online here. Include day number and street address. Op-eds: Submit through their online form here. You can also submit online here. They encourage a diversity of voices and views in our letters. Must include name, address, and day number. 6. All Commentary and Views submissions should include links to source material for facts and figures mentioned in the essay. When writing about criminal charges or allegations, we must be specific and complete. You will be contacted within two weeks if your piece is accepted. Letters: Email: Trump Jr. criticized the Florida governor for not commenting on Tucker Carlson's shocking departure from Fox News. Letters: All material must be exclusive. Op-eds: Often publish columns about state and local issues that are written by those with specific knowledge about the topic. Newsweek speaks toand listens toreaders across the political and cultural spectrum. Interviews, book annotations, and creative nonfiction are considered for their magazines that accept freelance submissions as well, up to 6,000 words. Email: Priority to local writers writing on local topics. Our editorial policies and standards are set out below. Letters: 200 words or less. Email: Payment: $300-$2,000 for essays and fiction, $100-$250 for poetry. Works between 100-5,000 words are considered. Their magazines that accept freelance submissions are open to regular poetry, but the Poem Brut series is one of their most unique sections. Right now you'll find opinion pieces on things like the presidential primaries, Oscar award speeches, police and community clashes in New York, and much more. In fact, they specialize in new and unpublished writers that simply show promise. Balance, balance, and more balance. 600-800 words. Essays should be written in a clear, informal style free of jargon and accessible to non specialists. The Georgia Review is associated with the University of Georgia, and regularly wins awards over more popular magazines such as the Atlantic, the New Yorker, and Vanity Fair. is the only place to sign up for full digital access. Keep column under 650 words. No attachments, include name, Twitter handle, numbers, byline identification with an affiliation or expertise that is related to the essay. Launch your writing career today! Op-eds: 650 word limit. Payment: Horrorku, Horror Tanka, and Horror Haibuns will receive a dollar each, and cover art is $10. Letters: Submit online here. Not every magazine is open to random submissions from hopeful authors, so that's why we put together this mega-list. The article should have some personal narrative (storytelling) and an expository argument. Essays should be 625 words and sent by email to In addition to payment, all contributors will receive a copy of their magazine. Berkeley is a subsidiary of Random House publishing and publishes most genre fiction, including full-length romance in women's fiction. Letters: Email: and include full name, address and phone number. Newsweek avoids saying a person "committed" suicidea dated phrase from a time when suicide was a crime. Namecheap VPN Review: Is It The Best VPN Option Available? The Rumpus specializes in fiction and poetry but will also accept interviews and book reviews from time to time. Piece must be exclusive, and can be on any subject. We seek to offer readers a wide range of views on public policy issues. Articles are generally between 600 1,400 words, with the sweet spot being around 850 words. They want pieces that are incisive and compelling, and that include issues at the top of the news, or that introduce wholly new subject matters. Or email: 150 word limit. Letters: Email: Op-eds substantially longer or shorter will not be considered. This is great news if you are just beginning to research magazines that accept freelance submissions. We would love to hear from you, please email us directly at Appear on website and in print. Paste in text. Op-eds: No more than 650 words. If your column is not acknowledged, please resend to Must include signature, home address, and telephone number. Give preference to local, regional, and Californian topics and writers. Poems have a maximum of 15 pages, whereas fiction and essays are considered if they're between 15 to 25 printed pages. Op-eds: The Sunday Perspective is reserved for the opinion and daily editorial page. 1,000-7,500 words is the range for consideration, but most published pieces are between 3,000 and 5,000. There is niche, and then there's the Otoroshi Journal. Letters: Email: Attachments will not be opened. Each week, editors select 1-2 opinion pieces for the print issue based largely on relevance (e.g. When you buy something through one of the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Send by email to 200 words or less. Listverse keeps it simple. Sepia Quarterly is another of the magazines that accept freelance submissions that are looking for writing that makes us feel hazy, golden, and sepia-toned. Instead of provoking a single attitude, this magazine looks for works that evoke nostalgia, melancholy, and sentimentality. The specific genres that they're looking for are fantasy, horror, thriller, and science fiction. Letters: Under 300 words. My login/password doesn't work and I can't access the site or my apps. They should be no longer than 400 words and include the name, daytime phone number and e-mail address of the author. Letters: Email: Gadgets, troubleshooting, tips and tricks those are just a few of the possible topics to choose from. Address: 3. However, if you decide to cancel your automatic renewal and change your mind prior to expire, you can email us at to reverse this for you. This is more of an expertise column. If it is a Submit here. Op-eds: Does not accept op-eds at time of publication. To help you develop an idea of a publications readership, the following are the top 10 U.S. daily news/opinion outlets as of January 2021. Short stories can be published with up to 7,500 words . Must let them know if you have sent your piece to other outlets. It doesn't matter if it's spiritual, physical, or mental health,Vibrant Life wants articles that talk about how to create a more harmonious existence. Email: Topical commentary on public policy and social issues that are of general interest to print and digital readership. Visit our corporate site at One of the more prestigious literary journals on this list, The Gettysburg Review accepts poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and even art. Though submissions are currently closed (as of the time of this writing), if you know of somebody who has gone through a particular struggle while still producing great work, let Ploughshares know. On the darker side, they're also interested in mystery, suspense, horror, science fiction, and fantasy. Op-eds: Send in op-ed the same way as letters to the editors. Atlas Obscuraruns travel-based articles about destinations, experiences, food, and other unique stories, but they also have a food section as well entitledGastro Obscura. Include name of author, and brief biography on both attachment AND email. Include your position and related experience, plus your day phone and email. When will I receive my first printed copy? Op-eds: Write 600 words. Letters: Letters should not exceed 600 words. We do not remove articles that were correct at the time of publication, but we may update them and would note any update. The address and phone number will not be published. Op-eds: To submit an op-ed, email Global Editor in Chief Nancy Cooper heads the editorial leadership team that directs Newsweek's reporting and publishing of the latest news, in-depth analysis and ideas about international. If ever reporters are unsure, they must consult with their manager or the editor-in-chief. Letters: Submit online here. Letters: Subject to editing. Must be exclusive. Op-eds have a limit of 675 words, and submissions must be exclusive. Include short biography of writer. If you are a current user (subscribed via reset your password. We must detail the precise charge, if any. Op-eds: Prefers 800 words or less, but will consider a submission of up to 1,000 words if it is about an important issue. Newsweek will always be as specific as possible in describing sources used in an article, the terms on which they were speaking and the reason why anonymity is necessary. Must be exclusive. It'll cost you $3 to submit your fiction or nonfiction piece that is less than a thousand words, or poem. They should not have been published elsewhere or submitted for publication elsewhere. Letters: When submitting your letter via e-mail or by using our letters form avoid using attachments. More technically-based articles specifically those that have to do with human resources, employment, or labor are welcome at iWorkWell. Those with less than 150 get priority. They should be brief analyses of new developments. Newsweek editors, journalists and opinion writers frequently engage at public events and through social media. You retain ownership of any copyright to the article and right to resell it. No stipends. Subject: Op-Ed Submission. Include your position, city or community, and relevant background information. Submit here. You can submit yours here, Op-eds: Speaking Out is 450 words or fewer. Chosen articles will be contacted. Payment: $50 for nonfiction, and $50-$75 for fiction. Newsweek is a privately held company that is co-owned 50 percent each by Dev Pragad, the President and CEO, and Johnathan Davis, who has no operational role at Newsweek. If a submission is accepted for print publication, notice of publication is generally send concurrent with posting. 600-1200 jargon-free words submitted as the body of an email rather than an attachment. My Turn should be the subject line title. Payment: $0.10 per word for fiction, $50 per poem, and $100 for nonfiction. Newsweek adheres to practices that minimize the possibility of contagion when writing about a suicide. Include detailed description of what piece will look like and when you can turn it around. Complete form. Submit here. Kalamazoo - In general, we avoid profanity, especially in headlines, and use it only in quotations where it is relevant and necessary. Letters: Email: Letters: E-mail: The article should be a compelling argument about a timely topic by someone in position of expertise. If this is a correction, please include a link to the story in question. We do not describe the method, give specifics or say how painful or otherwise it was. Payment: $40 for poems and activities, and $175 for fiction and nonfiction stories. Opinion pieces must be exclusive to Crains and no portion of them should appear elsewhere. Any engagements must be respectful and civil at all times, without profanity or ad hominem attacks. This list is far from exhaustive. 9. 1. Email: Find opinions that will make you think differently and deeply about the world and our place in it. Submit here on this online form or email: We do not unpublish or "disappear" problem copy. Your piece must be submitted exclusively to the San Jose Mercury News. Plain text, no attachments. Any articles on the science of psychology behind introversion or the Myers-Briggs personality test are encouraged, but anything connected to introversion is considered. This privacy policy (together with our terms of use and any other documents referred to in it) describes how we process any personal data which you provide us with, or which we collect from you. Facts should be annotated. Poetry is also accepted. Content Pit Review: Is it Possible to Find Fast, Inexpensive, and High Quality Content? Must be exclusive to the State. Ideally, these stories would play well in audio format, and have some variation of experimental or avant-garde writing. You must include name and phone number. Submit your 500-600 word piece to 200 word max. Letters: No longer than 200 words. Letters: 150 words or less. Newsweek journalists must never post or send anything through social media that includes or could be perceived as ethnic slurs, obscene, sexist or discriminatory comments, threats of violence, or other similar types of remarks. One Story will accept literary fiction on any subject and any style as long as the quality is exceptional. Letters: Email Email Their biannual literary magazine accepts short fiction up to 7,500 words and poetry of any style, as long as it speaks to a deeper truth.. Op-eds: My View is a first-person column to all Western New York writers. Let us know which one in the comments! Your letter should be exclusive to The Courant. Newsweek's newsroom operates in service of the audience, with complete editorial independence from the management of the company. Newsweek reporters can use anonymous sources in rare cases where the public good is served by the reporting and anonymity is justifiedfor instance by potential threats to the safety of the source. You dont need any special expertise to have your article considered for publication, but if you do, please elaborate. Increases in risk must be put in the perspective of absolute risk. You may submit via this online form, Letters: 150 words. If there was a conviction, it must be clear on what count or counts. United States. Letters: To submit a letter to the editor, fill out this form. 2. Op-eds: Email draft to Letters: Include above mentioned requisites. Op-eds: Commentary can be no more than 700 words. When hes not writing content for digital marketing blogs, hes either hanging out with his family, reading, or on some off-road trail in Texas somewhere in his Bronco. Op-eds: HuffPost does not accept opinion pieces as of date of publication. Want to learn step-by-step how I built my Niche Site Empire up to a full-time income? Pieces submitted should be in the range of 600-800 words. Email: Letters should be 200 words or less. Anyone contacted about a possible error in their story must examine the question fairly, with an open mind. It is not Newsweek's intention to constrain public facing staff members from acknowledging their own experiences. Payment: $1,000 for fiction or nonfiction in print, $250 for poem, and any online works are $250. Need more information? Any topic, any length (of at least 10 items), as long as there's one or two paragraphs per item and you have reputable sources to back up your claims. These are not hard-and-fast rules. Local topics and authors preferred. Or submit to their online form. Op-eds: They prefer a length of no more than 550 words and the subject should be something the author or authors know well. Press Inquiries and Media Relations Just about any style will work for this magazine, but the preference is for the strange, the experimental, and the boundary pushing. Fiction and nonfiction up to 10,000 words are considered, as well as collections of up to eight poems. Instead, people "die by suicide.". 72 Magazines that Accept Freelance Submissions. The article should run between 800-1200 words. Your source for breaking news, news about New York, sports, business, entertainment, opinion, real estate, culture, fashion, and more. Writers retain rights to their work after publication. Fully disclose relationship with issue and expertise. Preference goes to local, state, and Western regional issues. Assuming you've already picked the topic (and written the article), it's time to start narrowing in your institution. The Washington Post provides award-winning news and understanding about the politics, policies, personalities, and institutions that make Washington, D.C. the worlds seat of power, and is a critical tool and information source for those who call Washington, D.C. home. They also prefer e-mailed submissions. Will be contacted within 5 business days if article is chosen. Include links to previously published work. You can submit to the above mentioned online forum or email address. of wellness culture by approaching each piece with actionable, relatable advice, a compassionate outlook and science-backed facts. Email: Submit to and also include a high resolution photo of yourself with a short biographical paragraph. No anonymous or pseudonymous submissions. Writers of letters selected for publication will be notified within a week. All reporters must beware of using identifiers that could appear to convey an agenda. You must have a complete article. Facts and Arguments is personal rather than political. If there is any doubt over sourcing, a story will not be published. You understand that any other use of the article, if published, would have to be approved by CNN. Letters should preferably be 150 to 175 words, should refer to an article that has appeared within the last seven days, and must include the writer's address and phone number. Each one has their own word limit but most are less than a thousand words. Newsweek operates an automatic renewal policy and as such, renewal reminders are not issued. Detroit News . Op-eds: Must be exclusive to the Wall Street Journal and have a strong argument about an issue in the news. Submit magazine submissions to Central Coast Journal is looking for nostalgic articles that have a dash of humor and entertainment but mostly just make you feel good. Op-eds: 750 words for op-ed pieces. Letters must be the original words of the writer and may be edited for taste, accuracy, clarity and length. Articles are usually between 450-1,000 words, and cover topics like exercise, mental clarity, and family. There is a hard cap of five poems or 10 images (art), as well as 7,500 words in prose. There should be a well-reasoned expert analysis. Must include full name (no pseudonyms or anonimity), address, and phone number. USA TODAY and reach a combined seven million readers daily. Final commentaries should be about 600-800 words. Most editors list their contact information in their Twitter bio. Surfer SEO Review: Is It the Best All-In-One On Page SEO Solution? The word limit is 500 words, and no more. You must sign a freelance agreement. Poems, short stories, and especially literary nonfiction up to 5,000 words are all considered. Letters: Letters to the Editor should be original and exclusive to The Washington Times. Op-eds: Email: Highest priority to local writers writing about local topics. Letters: Your letter must include your full name, community of residence, and a daytime phone number. Letters: 250 words, no more. The specific topic is irrelevant, as long as it encourages diversity inside of the social and cultural experience. They are accepting topic specific commentary submissions for their Energy Voices and New Economy blogs. Undark explores science at the point where it intersects and very often collides with politics, economics and culture, so they're looking for topical commentary with a science angle. If you do not hear in three business days, assume the article will not be used. Want to know more about Op-Ed? Letters: In their weekly Saturday newsletter, NBC News THINK has a letters to the editor section where they publish select readers perspectives on pieces that have appeared on the site: a counterargument on a matter of policy we examined, a personal experience that contrasts with that described by an essayist, a critique of where a cultural review got it wrong or even right. Clive Crook. 4. Max of 700 words, plus a head and shoulders picture, and a short bio. Minnesotas top choice for news, features, photos, and video. Writers are encouraged to submit for both, and they will also consider topics on history, geography, and exploration. Midnight & Indigo strives to be a voice for black women writers. If Newsweek needs to retract a story so flawed it cannot be corrected, it does so transparently. Op-eds: Any topic. Op-eds: Timely and well written. That's the troubling implication from an email exchange I had with Newsweek Opinion Editor Nicholas . It does not identify suspects or cite a number of victims until there is official confirmation. Freelance Mom is all about actionable advice that readers can put into practice. USA TODAY is owned by Gannett Co., Inc. Op-eds: Your article should focus on issues of concern to the charities, foundations, donors, and others who have a stake in the charitable nonprofit world. Write the article and then begin your next phase in the long chain of submitting an Op-Ed article to a major website. Average article length is from 900 to 1,500 words. While flash fiction is considered in the Southampton Review, poetry, nonfiction, and art are the main categories they consider. The Advocate is a student newspaper for the City University of New York graduate department, and considers articles related to their professional interests. Before submitting your letter to the editor, please type your name at the end, as though you are signing it. Although we receive more submissions than space allows us to use, we appreciate the opportunity to consider each one. Letters: Click here to submit your letter to the editor. Letters: 200 words or less. Letters: 200 words or less. Email: Facts don't matter in commentaries printed by Newsweek as long as the writer "seems genuine.". Email: More specifically, it would prefer to receive submissions from marginalized groups or minorities, including writers from outside the United States. Payment: $100 per prose, $50 per poem or visual art. Letters: Email: Payment: $25 per printed page of prose, and $2.50 per line for poetry.
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