CHEROKEE COUNTY 1 2 3 Aarons Corner Abbott Family Cemetery Cemetery Adams Family Cemetery Cemetery Alexander Joyce Cemetery Cemetery Amos Cemetery Cemetery Amos Cemetery on Hwy 770 Cemetery Amostown Asbury Baileytown Beaver We're looking for DATA for this site!!! Ctrl + F (Windows) or Command + F (Mac).) MONTGOMERY COUNTY ASHE COUNTY WASHINGTON COUNTY Like to receive a weekly update of new blog posts? This county was named for John Stokes, a soldier of theRevolutionwho was seriously wounded at theWaxhaw massacre. BEAUFORT COUNTY USA (1,373,456) > North Carolina (69,772) > Stokes County (671). [Herringshaw's encyclopedia of American biography of the nineteenth century; Edited by Thomas William Herringshaw; Publ. 1693-1960 North Carolina Land Grant Files, Abstracts of land entrys[ies] Stokes Co., N.C., 1790-1798, Stokes County, North Carolina records of deeds, 1787-1797. YANCEY COUNTY, (Use Cropper to set image and use mouse scroller for zoom image. Stokes County Vital Records Offices hold birth, marriage, and death records that date back hundreds of years. We regret that we are unable to Happy Trails to you on your quest for your The following dates indicates what vital, land, probate, and court records are inStokescounty. Number of Infant Deaths in 2012: 4. 1901; Donated and Transcribed by Andrea Stawski Pack] Stokes Co Register of Deeds Stokes County Historical Society403 Main StPO Box 304Danbury, NC 27016-0304Email: stokescountyhistoricalsociety@yahoo.comFacebookWebsite. North Carolina Newspapers, Full Search (1775-1993), 203 titles. This website uses cookies and third party services. Stokes County was established in 1789 from Surry County. "Bassett Historical Center,". View Stokes County Register of Deeds application form for obtaining certified and uncertified copies of vital records. Genealogy. About Us Contact Us YADKIN COUNTY NOTE: Additional records that apply to Stokes County are also on the North Carolina Land Records page. Admitted to practice in 1821, he located at Demopolis. In 1835 he was elected to congress over Hon. ALAMANCE COUNTY Bassett Historical Center3964 Fairystone Park HighwayBassett, VA 24055Phone: 276-629-9191Email: bhcenter3964@gmail.comFacebookWebsite. 6300 Creedmoor Road, Suite 170 #323 North Carolina Obituary Search, (1988-current) 1919. SHIPP, ALBERT MICAJAH, clergyman, educator, author, was born Feb. 15, 1819, in Stokes County, N. C. He was a Methodist clergyman and educator, professor of theology in Vanderbilt University from 1874, and the author of The History of Methodism in South Carolina. DAVIE COUNTY SURRY COUNTY We regret that we are unable to do personal research for anyone.. Name of Head of Family. A Map of Stokes County, North Carolina contains detailed information about roads and boundaries, these maps may include rural communities, churches, and cemeteries. Larceny and Theft in 2012: 739. [2], Stokes County CourthouseHwy 89Danbury, NC 27016Phone: 336-593-2811Stokes County WebsiteRegister of Deeds has marriage and land records.Clerk Superior Court has probate records.[3]. After the war, Captain Stokes was appointed a judge of the United States district court for North Carolina. A few court records are missing; reason View Stokes County Register of Deeds application form for obtaining certified and uncertified copies of vital records. 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PASQUOTANK COUNTY Regiments. Slaves. CHATHAM COUNTY The date does not indicate that there are alot records for that year and does not mean that all such events were actually filed with the clerk. WebNumber of Births in 2012: 490. The Sauratown Mountains cut through Stokes County which is otherwise gently rolling piedmont hills. GRANVILLE COUNTY View Stokes County, North Carolina marriage certificate and license requirements, including fees for certified marriage record copy requests. Citizenship 1800-1850. This website is for genealogy research on families from the Stokes County, North Carolina area only. Abbott, Ada Katherine (1944) Abbott, Armstead (1840) Abbott, Clarendon (1918) Abbott, Davis (1841) Abbott, E Read more . All data we come across will be added to this site. Patrick County, Virginia Mr. Lyon was then elected as sole commissioner, and continued his difficult task until he brought it to a conclusion in 1853. WINSTON, Joseph, a Representative from North Carolina; born in Louisa County, Va., June 17, 1746; moved in 1766 to that part of Rowan County which later became Stokes County, N.C.; participated in expeditions against the hostile frontier Indians; member of the Hillsboro convention in 1775; member of the commission that concluded a treaty with the Cherokees in 1777; appointed entry taker for Surry County in 1778; chief ranger of Surry County; served as major in the Revolutionary Army; member of the State senate in 1790, 1791, 1802, 1807, and 1812; elected to the Third Congress (March 4, 1793-March 3, 1795); elected as a Republican to the Eighth and Ninth Congresses (March 4, 1803-March 3, 1807); died near Germanton, Stokes County, N.C., April 21, 1815; interment in the family burial ground near Germanton; reinterment on Guilford Battle Grounds, N.C. (Source: Biographical Directory of the United States 1774-present.). WATAUGA COUNTY List of Stokes Men To Be Sent To Camp Croft, S.C. A few court records are missing; reason unknown. That's what we offer. This site is available for adoption! Find information about Stokes County, North Carolina Historical Photo Archives including photo galleries, historic preservation, and cultural heritage boards. HOKE COUNTY County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. Find information about Stokes County, North Carolina Historical Photo Archives including photo galleries, historic preservation, and cultural heritage boards. WebNC AHGP, NC History and Genealogy Project Early Marriages Back to North Carolina Marriages Index Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina are coming online in 2014. HENDERSON COUNTY Abbott, Ada Katherine (1944) Abbott, Armstead (1840) Abbott, Clarendon (1918) Abbott, Davis (1841) View a Map of Stokes County Townships. Help genealogists worldwide research their family history! CRAVEN COUNTY MCDOWELL COUNTY By clicking on the button below, I consent to allowing NCGS to add this data to their Blog RSS Feed mailing list in Mailchimp. WebFamily Researching in Stokes County NC Post Offices and Postmasters Sources 1. It was named for Captain John Stokes, a Revolutionary War officer and a member of the North Carolina House of Commons. MACON COUNTY Copyright Genealogy Trails Most staff will assist people in finding the materials, but it is up to the individual to do the research. MITCHELL COUNTY The U.S. Census Bureau maintains Free white Females. UNION COUNTY WebMarriage records (Stokes County, North Carolina), 1851-1955 FamilySearch Library North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868 Ancestry North Carolina Marriage Index, 1741-2004 Ancestry Lawsonville Newspapers and Obituaries Abstracts of obituaries in newspapers of Stokes County, North Carolina 1915-1976 FamilySearch Library Lawsonville Probate Four children. North Carolina County Listings of Rockingham & Stokes Counties NC, Stokes County, North Carolina Message Boards, Maine Historical Newspapers -, Historical Newspapers from North Carolina (1719 - 1977), Stokes County, North Carolina Books - Amazon, A History of Stokes County, North Carolina, Stokes County, North Carolina Links - Cyndi's List, Stokes County, North Carolina Ancestry Database Collections, Stokes County, North Carolina Military Records, Search For Your Ancestors in Historical Documents. Member of Church of Christ. Land records include land deeds, land grants, plat maps, or other records related to land. WebUSE LINKPENDIUM'S FAMILY DISCOVERER TO SEARCH 2,804,127 FREE GENEALOGY SOURCES! Perform a free Stokes County, NC public genealogy records search, including genealogy ancestry histories, family search histories, and family trees. There is a collection of old Ohio maps at Stokes County, NC Vital Records Where can find Stokes County Birth, marriage, Divorce and Death Records? Stokes County vital records can be found at theNorth Carolina Department of Healthwhich has copies of birth records after 1913 and death records after 1930, copies of marriage since Jan 1962 and a Divorce records since 1958. is required.]. Stokes County Marriage Certificates & Records, Stokes County Register of Deeds Vital Records, Where to get free Genealogy Records online, How to perform Stokes County genealogy research, Which government offices provide access to vital records, What Stokes County genealogy records are public records, What are the best sources of Genealogy Records. If you're not sure which records would be helpful, you can try our Ancestor Source Finder tool. web page, Stokes County Historical Museum Forcible Rapes in 2012: 11. VANCE COUNTY WebStokes County, NC Archives. (336) 593-2811 BLADEN COUNTY Please enter your email address or username below. WebStokes County NC Genealogy USA (1,373,456) > North Carolina (69,772) > Stokes County (671) If you're not sure which records would be helpful, you can try our Ancestor Source Mayodan, NC 27027-0152. Biographies. all researchers. Note: Affiliate links are used within the directory on this site and a small contribution goes to the website for some purchases made. DUPLIN COUNTY ALEXANDER COUNTY Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. If a marriage appears to be incorrect, verify using other sources. Farmer. MARTIN, Alexander, a Senator from North Carolina; born in Hunterdon County, N.J., in 1740; attended the common schools; graduated from the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University) in 1756; moved to Salisbury, N.C., and became a merchant, justice of the peace, and judge; represented Guilford County, to which he had moved, in the State house of commons 1773-1774, and in the provincial congress 1775; an officer during the Revolutionary War; member, State senate 1778-1782, 1785, 1787-1788, and served as speaker; Acting Governor of North Carolina 1781-1782, Governor 1782-1784, 1789-1792; elected to the Continental Congress in 1786 but resigned; delegate to the State convention for the adoption of the Federal Constitution in 1787; trustee of the University of North Carolina 1790-1807 and served as president of the board 1792-1793; elected to the United States Senate and served from March 4, 1793, to March 3, 1799; unsuccessful candidate for reelection; member, State senate 1804-1805; died on his plantation, Danbury, on the Dan River, near Crawford (now Danbury), Stokes County, N.C., November 2, 1807; interment on his estate. 1693-1960 North Carolina Land Grant Files Ancestry. ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Check your attics! All Rights Reserved. Listed below are libraries in Stokes County. North Carolina Obituary Search, (1988-current) WebQuaker Gap Genealogy (in Stokes County, NC) USA (1,373,456) > North Carolina (69,772) > Stokes County (671) > Quaker Gap (37) NOTE: Additional records that apply to Quaker Gap are also found through the Stokes County and North Carolina pages. Edwin Kiser WESTMORELAND, J. F., journalist, legislator, was born April 27, 1847, in Stokes County, N. C. He is the editor and owner of the Davidson County News of Thomasville, N. C, and has represented his district as state senator in the North Carolina legislature. Henry County, Virginia Death Rate per 1000 People in 2012: 8.6. Back row right couple is Sam and Sarah's daughter Minnie Lee Mabe Greenwood and her husband Robert Henry Greenwood. HARNETT COUNTY Genealogy and History Find Stokes County, North Carolina divorce certificate information, including confidentiality, fees, and certified copy request procedure. HALIFAX COUNTY Also see the Stokes County Records in the North Carolina State Archives. GRAHAM COUNTY Other websites already do an excellent job of crowd-sourcing a single cemetery together. A free online library of cemetery records from thousands of cemeteries across the world, for historical and genealogy research.Clear Digital Media, Inc. Each transcription we publish comes from a single-source, be it the cemetery office, government office, church office, archived document, a tombstone transcriber. Welcome North Carolina Genealogical Society Terms and Conditions. Cemeteries. F declining to serve, ex-Gov. GUILFORD COUNTY Box 67 He lived in Stokes County until nearly forty-five years of age, and then moved to Missouri. Genealogical Soc. of Rockingham & Stokes Counties NC, P.O. Box 152, Mayodan, NC 27027-0152 Stokes County Historical Society, PO Box 250, Germanton, NC 27019 Listed below are societies in Stokes County. John Erwin of Greene, but the next year was elected over Mr. E by seven majority. Note: is privately owned and is not an official site of FamilySearch International or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). For suggestions about research in places that suffered historic record losses, see: For animated maps illustrating North Carolina county boundary changes, "Rotating Formation North Carolina County Boundary Maps" (1664-1965) may be viewed for free at the website. Header image credits: Stokes County courthouse, Hanging Rock State Park, Danbury Town Hall. WebStokes County death records were first registered in the Register of Deeds Office beginning in 1913. WILSON COUNTY You may request copies of document.write(cy). Stokes County was formed in 1789 from Surry County. Men in Stokes County served in various regiments. Stokes County was formed in 1789 from Surry County, which itself was formed from Rowan in 1771. Published, 1828 2. ANSON COUNTY CUMBERLAND COUNTY North Carolina Newspapers, Full Search (1775-1993), 203 titles. Bibles. Surry County, Visit the National Site of GENEALOGY TRAILS. WebStokes County was formed in 1789 from Surry County, which itself was formed from Rowan in 1771. It was named for Captain John Stokes (1756-1790), a Revolutionary War officer But genealogists also need to see the original records from a single source. Resource List from Podcast Episode#43 Carol on April 9, 2023 ( 3 Comments ) The latest podcast referenced some great resources for North Carolina church records. please Email Us with your submissions. He was elected to the senate from the Wilcox and Marengo district in 1833, and in 1834 from Marengo and Sumter. ROBESON COUNTY After Forsyth County was created from Stokes County in 1849, the county seat for Stokes was moved from Germantown (Germanton) to Crawford (Danbury) for Stokes and Winston for Forsyth. WAKE COUNTY FamilySearch Center and Affiliate Library Locator map - search for local FamilySearch Centers or Affiliate Libraries. CASWELL COUNTY The year following he was elected secretary of the state senate, an office he held by successive elections for eight years. It was named for Captain John Stokes (1756-1790), a Revolutionary Web1981 HERITAGE OF STOKES COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA HISTORY & GENEALOGY - Edited By John Woodard - Historical Society - Back cover has a slight warp - Hard cover - 584 pages - Overall Good ConditionThanks and PLEASE NOTE: Shipping & handling is always disclosed in the auction before you bid. Privacy Policy Copyright 1997new Date().getFullYear()>2012&&document.write("-"+new Date().getFullYear());, Clear Digital Media, Inc. - No one can edit, change, or delete your work, North Carolina Newspapers, Full Search (1775-1993), 203 titles, North Carolina Obituary Search, (1988-current). North Carolina skills, consider joining us! Rockingham County Courthouse 371 NC 65, #212 PO Box 56 Wentworth, NC 27375 Phone: 336-342-8820 Rockingham County Website Register of Deeds has marriage records from 1868, birth and death records from 1913. Danbury NC 27016 WebMarriage records (Stokes County, North Carolina), 1851-1955 FamilySearch Library North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868 Ancestry North Carolina Marriage Index, 1741-2004 Ancestry Beaver Island Newspapers and Obituaries Abstracts of obituaries in newspapers of Stokes County, North Carolina 1915-1976 FamilySearch Library Deeds of It was named for John Stokes, an American Revolutionary War captain. Guide to Stokes County, North Carolina ancestry, genealogy and family history, birth records, marriage records, death records, census records, and military records. . Mr. Hunter has been a member of the Baptist Church for a great many years, and clerk of the church since 1852. HYDE COUNTY HUNTER, JOHN Farmer, section 29. WebStokes County Land Records. This website requires a paid subscription for full access. - Crime News: Lawson Kills Wife and 6 Children, t/b HILL, John, a Representative from North Carolina; born near Germanton, Stokes County, N.C., April 9, 1797; completed preparatory studies and was graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1816; was a planter; clerk of court of Stokes County for thirty years; member of the State house of commons 1819-1823; served in the State senate 1823-1825, 1830, and 1831; elected as a Democrat to the Twenty-sixth Congress (March 4, 1839-March 3, 1841); reading clerk in the State senate in 1850; delegate to the State constitutional convention at Raleigh, N.C., in 1861; died in Raleigh, N.C., April 24, 1861; interment in Old Hill Burying Ground, near Germanton, N.C. (Source: Biographical Directory of the United States 1774-present.)
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