Good echoes. You'll get an email eventually, maybe, with an attitude like that you might just been thrown on the 'not worth it' pile. To curb the increasing media spot light, the Cave Clan contacted Jean M. Auel and contracted her to write a book titled 'The Clan of the Cave Bear', with the soul purpose of stuffing up people who are trying to Google the 'Cave Clan'. Either be legends and step up to the plate, or be the bogus you come across as and treat new people like shit like you have been doing. I reply to the SgtDan's depsite others pleading for them to be ignored probably because I'm a co-founder of the Clan and probably because it's a hobby. I especially enjoy the Radelaide shots. Long time since but I would love to go again. Some 'Drain Gods' even manufacture their own torches. Timmy also says "Urb ex/draining is for everyone, don't get caught up in their petty wanna be elitist crap". In the country, this drain is shaped in natural rocks. The Gates of Doom Tunnel part of Adelaide's underground. Maybe SgtDan wants to be another rebel. just a quick one Founded in 1986 by a trio of Melbourne teenagers, the Cave Clan has since grown to become the world's largest organisation of urban explorers. On this secret cave thing I know of a small group of troglodytes building a small petra/dmanhur cave temple in undisclosed location (I have been told it is 113.84km bearing 138deg from worlds end). Interesting, I hadnt heard of that group before. I am still unsure why this Panda disguise proved so effective, but during my time undercover, my identity was never questioned. After sitting vacant for more than 30 years, the Julia Farr Hospital's 'Home for Incurables' has finally been demolished. It gets as large as 2.6 metres in diameter before it reaches the Bolivar water treatment plant. These categories are then voted on, and then modified so the correct Clannerteer may win them. I must join. I realise this wont undo any damage that you feel has already been caused, but hopefully itll offer fewer clues to future readers. we have a similar group called the underground mines of Victoria esb 2013 but tent to stay in the mines rather than drains or caves. And so, donning my coveralls and recruiting the services of an equally adventurous ABC cameraman, we ignored the stench and plunged into darkness for this second part in our Curious Adelaide investigation into Adelaide's tunnels. There's also snaps from the infamous Clanniesthe Cave Clan's annual awards show. i found this very intresting area that youd might wanna look at. I found a cool Google Earth file of drain locations. Nice site by the way Slyv, let me know if you ever plan on coming back - I have a few more good places for you since you were last here. And the noble pass time of 'Urbexering' was invented. access to tunnels by adelaide university and torrens river. A month-long monument hunt, and what I learned along the way. Checkout the timelapse video. Punishment for all crimes: . They grew a reputation as courting places for nurses and soldiers but are thought to have been filled in during the 1960s. For this reason photography is very popular in the clan. While many of the names were strangers to me, there were a few that caught my eye such as founder of the Sydney Clan, Michael Predator Carlton (1971-2004) and Canadian urban exploration guru, Jeff Ninjalicious Chapman (1973-2005). V, eli's tomb, zogra's tomb. Cavalyr Icompletely understand. Thats made me sad, that has. Originally it was an Australian only syndicate, but now peoples of any nation, sex or religion, who have an internet connection, are allowed to watch urbex Yourtube videos. There are old chambers and vaults underground in the city somewhere in one of the official buildings but they are still active. Drac, In order to submit a comment to this post, please write this code along with your comment: f75c1b0eb7940a274c82383e8b46a423. Which building do you work in Enigma? Beneath the steps, the ANZAC Drain continued towards the source of the stream. If you have not had your photo taken standing on someones remains, then you are just not considered to be a proper urbexerer. The Sleeps Hill tunnels have a colourful history, originally built as a train tunnel, converted into a mushroom farm and even used to store ammunition and the state archives most valuable items in WW2. The graffiti was referring to it as the Pedo Tunnels alongside other phrases like Kill all pedophiles and Fuck Pedos. Painted above the lintel at the Chambers yawning entrance, a sign read: CAVE CLAN WELCOMES YOU TO THE CHAMBER. Nearly all have been taken in low to very-low lighting conditions, and most on Canon digital equipment. The tours are specially tailored for journalist who may be interested in writing about the Cave Clan in newspapers and magazines. Internal politics is Syd-Clans main export. What's your point or are you just stating the obvious? We're all just doing our own little thing and getting out and having fun. This page was last edited on 11 May 2022, at 06:23. The ANZAC Drain might host all the best Cave Clan parties, but it is only one very small fraction of their domain. And also it is allot cheaper then using mobile phones in Australia. Can anyone help e with some places? The usual trophy given is a butt-plug painted gold, which is also known as a 'Man-hole key' (pictured). The website's operator did not respond to my contact attempts, but it is worth noting Awesome Adelaide reported the tunnel becoming a mushroom farm after the war the same fate as the Sleeps Hills tunnels in the Adelaide foothills. I have come to give you and your imaginary friends a hard time. I only just discovered this website when a friend told me about the drains. Later, Id even hear stories of projectors being dragged down to this drain, to screen films up on the walls inside. A good Newbie can be used for Cop baiting or PIR detecting. Im hoping to get to Sydney next time, so this might turn out to be very handy. My father offered some of that poor Babys flesh to me that day, but I refused to eat it. But I refused. It is still around but you have to sign up to be a member. hey It is a fact that Ozzie 'Poo pipe fanciers' are the most urbexiest of all urbexers in the whole world. It could save your life. If you do not work in IT, or like craft beers, then it's probably best that you join another chapter. Out of all the conspiracies going around this day and age, I feel this story has been censored for reason I cant work out. I am so happy to see this site up again! Hundreds (if not thousands) of others have done so before them". So, as Melbourne developed the water was forced underground; to be built over and in time forgotten by the majority of the citys inhabitants. The 170-metre and 360-metre Sleeps Hill tunnels at Lynton were originally built as railway tunnels during the 1880s. If you do somehow become a member, you will then be invited to Clan events which are called a Sexpo's. With the amount of corruption in SA in the 60-80s anything is possible., i was wondering if someone would be able to give me exact directions on where or how to get to the entrance of one of these tunnels? The rats entered the tunnels through a drain and ate the entire crop, managing to avoid all the poison left for them. It is known that the Water Board is extremely jealous of the 'Compass Clan's' location lists because it is a lot more extensive the any official list of underground cavities. Rescue time is reduced to 12hrs, if the rescue site is within a 1km radius of any McDonalds car park. Where Newbies are at the bottom and Drain Gods are the apex. Australian underground drains - (c) Forbidden Places - Sylvain Margaine - Melbourne, ANZAC, the Chamber. Panic is back with his group of imaginary friends to save the day. But seriously, I've seen only a few posts from you, and they're all replies to people like me who want to be independant saying stuff like we can;t do that and the Cave Clan is better. When you achieve this tier, your membership is assured for life. The entrance to a drain will start at a waterway (canal, creek, river, lake, beach etc). While researching this story, an excited Adelaidean told me of an underground stream he believed existed in the city's East End. This drain was the tenth found below Melbourne. has anyone got any pics of the camberwell drains? This is on King william st. Other popular photographic subjects include lonely chairs, peeling paint and large empty overexposed warehouses with no reference for scale. Underground tunnels, could be true. I have to get around to emailing the Adelaide Clan. Thank you for the kind words and Im delighted to hear that you found the card! I think its printed on signs more as a deterrent than anything else. yeh man i have heaps of fotos of camberwell. need help getting to The Maze, ANZAC and The Great Stairway. An urbexiest must never put another urbexer in danger, unless it will be really funny. Tanya's got her head on straight. ", There were dark times too though. A typical sexpodition will usually involve meeting in a dimly lit McDonalds car park, usually about 1.5 to 2 hrs after the agreed meeting time. "I do think the Cave Clan was something specialit was more than just me, Woody and Slothbecause no one person created it. Explorationeers from other parts of the world generally refer to themselves as 'Urbexering Mole People', or sometimes 'Thieves'. Without their support and assistance many of these photos would not have been possible. It just makes ou come across as a control freak. Forum mods are the rulers of all Urbex related activities world wide. Instead they just look like kids out adventuring. "For our first year we had 17 people. After being asked by members of the Cave Clan and UEGA to not post this article weve reached a compromise allowing me to at least share some information with you. "Some of those date back to 1880 and they were so well constructed that they're probably going to outlast all of us," he said. On either side of the brook, large, elevated platforms provide spacious seating areas. In the 50s-90s, The tunnels were used for a mushroom farm by S.A Mushroom Company. RICHARD HARRIS/FACEBOOK. For every year a Clan member has been active in the C/C, the number of locations required for you to explore each month reduces. Follow her on Twitter, First media shoot for "People" magazine in 1989, Skeleton in the 14th District catacombs, Paris, 2001, Gilligan, Prowler, and Cro in Paris, 2001, Sloth in the Third Man Tunnels, Vienna, 2001, Sloth, Woody, Doug, and Cobra in Melbourne, Misfit, Doug, Prowler, Alien, and Seanile in Melbourne, 1991, Bob, Amik, Hatchet, Maddog, and Bathory in Adelaide, 2001, Doug, Myth, and Bathory in Canberra, 1998. For this reason, every day urbexerers from all over the world travel to Australia, to learn from the Mighty Chamber Clan how to not suck at doing Urbexering. If seen draining without a beer, you are fisted. Zorg's Tomb? "Zorga really pioneered the whole effort in Adelaide, contacted the Melbourne guys and got the scene moving here.". If you don't care who explores, then why bother posting big replies here to protect the Cave Clan reputation? There are, of course, subterranean tunnels associated with Fort Largs and Fort Glanville in Adelaide's western beaches, and part of a network of non-public air raid communication shelters remains visible after being established in 1942. They have lots of drain pictures, maps and best of all, an up to date Google Earth file of drains and tunnels all around the world. If you think this shit is cool and you plan on becoming the next K-rad-elite drain explorer, then you need to read this. The Adelaide doctor is globally renowned for his cave-diving expertise. The 'Cave Clan' was originally started by a group of social misfits that shared a passion for exploring an abandoned shed, in a local paddock close to their mum & dads house. Panic's site is back up and has a forums ( that will soon be bigger than UER! The passage split into two narrow pipes, their ends disappearing in darkness. If you are worried your location information may be lost, you can invite a Drain God to your abando. Always check the weather forcast before going into drains. The Panthers are rehabilitated in abandoned Lithgow mines, then they are released into the wild, usually in national parks around NSW. At this time Guys like McIntyre and Stanley Hart were all known pedophiles that the cops were in league with. The land on North Terrace in which the Club House stands was bought in the same year and building work rapidly proceeded, the Club House being, it seems, occupied by the end of 1864. A part of this drain holds a big secret, a hidden tunnel that is like stepping back in time to the 1800's, but I won't spoil it for you Drain God's have no use for torches, they simply bathe in the light provided by the newbies. By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications from Vice Media Group, which may include marketing promotions, advertisements and sponsored content. I find it strange that your contact went unreplied, usually were quite accommodating for visiting explorers. Much pride is taken in showing off ones torch, and you can tell a Clangineer's social status just by observing his torch. Its good of you to remove too much location info from the public eye but if possible a *hint* on location even a suburb would go very appreciated, of course if your hint helps me find it you would get a mention in my tunneling photo blog. The result is a breathtaking series of tunnels and corridors, stairwells, waterfalls and vast subterranean chambers. Not spam, just a site of drain dwellers you may enjoy;id=25; Make sure you look where you are going. Many of these drains are present below each city, each one having its nickname, story and features. I was intent on discovering this hidden world for myself, and I decided to start by looking for the ANZAC Drain: a spacious storm drain in the city centre, which serves as a kind of clubhouse for the local Cave Clan. A Google search of these names reveals many photographs of the city's concrete drain network thanks largely to secretive urban explorers, Cave Clan, a movement that started in Melbourne, or the informative website, Awesome Adelaide. Paris C/C was setup so there is a base of operations near the spiritual home of urbex: The KATAS. Extensive maps of most major cities world wide are available for use for various rescue services. If you are a not a member of the Clan and you wish to try exploration'ing a location, you can obtain GPS coordinates for many locations by going to a Drain Gods personal website. 19/10/2022. Scarecrow, The official Cavern Clan uniform is a black hoodie. Turned out he had been busy doing other things for a while, which just coincided with my visit. You should go to a "Sexpo" with either a camera or a beer. Great read. One of the popular Cave Clan's meeting place Australian underground drains - (c) Forbidden Places - Sylvain Margaine - Adelaide, Saint Peters'Twins. 'Cooked Clan' has been quoted as saying: . burrrp. I don't delude myself by considering my search to be exhaustive and, as I said last week, believe there are more to be found. CC.. When trains exited the 290m long tunnel in Panorama they would pass over a large Viaduct, standing about 30 meters above the gulley. The typing of so many fools, just piss in the wind. Do your research. I think its a sign of the times & places like this will be blocked or made harder to enter. Right next to Terminator's mum & dad's house Watch out. It is a well known true fact, that the blacker the hoodie, the more sneaky the urbexer'er. Any details are greatly appreciated. In response to last week's article, we received several messages and information about other tunnels, from Yorke Peninsula hotels, to the cliffs near Seacliff. a web site I stumbled upon about an underground city in england (), first w/end raining,second was my wedding anniversary,still interested adelaide crew.cheers. UrbanTwilight is photographing the underground tunnels, abandoned buildings, rooftops, and hidden industry that most people would never normally get to see. What was the question?. Its mostly just a lot of research, Your email address will not be published. In fact, if there is an abandoned shed in a paddock, you will probably find a Cave Clan tag and a stained hanky in it. The Chambers only source of natural light filters through a set of outdoor steps, located somewhere in a public thoroughfare; occasionally a pedestrian would pass up or down the stairs, entirely oblivious to the yawning cavern directly beneath their feet. (you can email me if you'd rather no mention it here - wzard @t cave clan .dot. The layout-out within, is immediately clear and all the information is easily decipherable. Your email address will not be published. Whats address? I was wondering if I could grab the location to the ANZAC drain?? In Melboring a Person can be booted for Breaking a Clan rule or when a moderator wakes up and randomly thinks about you. Required fields are marked *, The Punky Brewster Room - Drain, Adelaide, Domain Tunnel Blasted Rock - Drain, Hobart, Bell Lee's Cave - The Hindley Street Catacombs, Adelaide, McElligotts Sarcophagus - Cavity, Adelaide, Hobart Darkie Wellington Bridge - Drain, Hobart. Ive been getting more and more fascinated by mines lately I might have to check some out on my next visit. We also received an interesting photo of three archways beneath Adelaide Casino that were uncovered during the Festival Plaza redevelopment. And I wont describe the death of this baby as it is too horrific, however, I will say that the death involved fire and prepared this poor little Childs body for consumption by the audience. Why is he a reliable person for that but never believed about his and Rachels accusations. I really don't have an issue with who I explore. Choose the member you want to explore it, & push them in. If you change your plans, let tthat person know. Another important part of Cavern Clan Culture is 'Tagging'. They abducted over 600 babies and children from the Goodwood orphanage between the 50s-80s to abuse sexually, through satanic rituals and then kill and eat (they were cannibals). i mean get with the groove, go with the younger generation. Rachel is a notorious character around Adelaide, most know for her theory that there is an (unproven) tunnel system under Edwardstown that is used by a network of Pedophiles. I can't recall ever using a key though. Someone team up with me and go on an adventure! Every few months another journalist will take on a Cave Clan story and some publication will "break" the story once more. Rising up in levels requires such things as: 'location finding', posting pictures of drunk explorers, but mostly 'paying Kudos to members in an above level'. A true gentleman explorer indeed. They will then post details about your location on their personal web-site, which acts like as a sort of on-line backup for location lists and other urbex related information. anyone know the drain near doncaster park and ride? (Aproximatley 1910) Source, Old Sleeps Hill railway tunnel, near Eden Hills in January 1961 Source, SLEEPS HILL: The northern end of Sleeps Hill railway tunnel 1992 Source, The southern end of Sleeps Hill railway tunnel 1991 Source, Ildraino (the Cave Clan Zine by Doug). If someone actually told you that they were lying. Its all good mate 2 years ago was a different climate- if you get a chance though the history added in makes it still quite easy to find so if you can remove that also would be great! Due to the ever rising fame of the Cave Club, members where inundated with interview requests, and inquiries to host fund raising charity events. so keeen to find some of these spotss, whats da haps mighty mouse in melbs at the moment cant wait to be bck in adelaide, @ Doc, regarding the bunker. It is a very exclusive rank positioned above old-school, in which the member must be both very 'old-school' plus crazy. Membership is a complicated system of social ranking, structured on the pyramid scheme model. Melbourne and My post was a cut & paste bud. When you do join the C/C you are labelled a Newbie and are now part of Confirmed Clan. Forum moderators are a secret society that exists independently within the pyramid scheme. Required fields are marked *, The Sleeps Hill Mushroom & Train Tunnels, The Adelaide to Melbourne Express crossing railway viaducts at Eden Hills in the Adelaide Hills. To date the Cave Clan have charted storm drains right across Australia, in addition to natural caves, mines, old fortresses and a wealth of abandoned buildings. For a location to be considered 'good' it must feature a wank station. Long live! "There's all sorts of stories about women on Kintore Avenue and so forth," the State Library of SA's Mark Gilbert said. It is hard to imagine a trip to Melbourne without this informative piece of literature. loved the writing aswell, really good suspense. The 108 foot high viaduct was prefabricated in Delaware, USA at a cost of thirteen thousand pounds and assembled on site in approximately 1882 Source. To curb this, addition membership requirements may be added. This division within Cave Club is called 'Cave Class', or C/C for short. Why bother? Cheers, having said that, cave clan are much better than us, so go with them. They made headlines for their exploits in the tunnels and drains beneath Melbourne, and two men spotted climbing down a Camberwell manhole suggests the Cave Clan could be back. I believe he said pump faults were regular, I'm trying to get info, maps etc of the underground caverns in Adelaide. org). Allegedly Allan Maxwell McIntyre was involved with Bevan Spencer von Einem and the Family Murders, being the group body boy and sourcing their victims. Popular keys that any serious Clanolio should have include: The Tork SCA 1100 key in particular is required for a member to advance from a mid-core to an apple-core ranking. Unable to climb out, he 'explored' 2m into a tunnel entrance but retreated because it looked scary and wet. if the hospital people can't find an entrance (you think theye'd have an old map) I thought maybe the clan had stumbled on it, Thanks collector I love this sight do you need me to post my email or can you get it from my profile?? I googled some old drains names and found an old 1995 drain location sheet from the Cave Clan. email hot mail dot com. The baby was handed to this man by a young woman with bright red hair and blue eyes, who was wearing a hooded, floor length green cape. here you are I was surprised that youre not more popular because you certainly have the gift. BrisbANUS flushes their full set of members every two years. The building has been significantly redeveloped now. The concrete piles for the bridge supports can be seen dug into the hillside. Check out this site when you get a chance. "I had these boxes of old Cave Clan photos sitting in my garage just gathering dust," Doug explains. Hey there, nice shots. Jade, Dsankt, Sydney Cave Clan. No way, I like the left ones?. I was wondering who would pick it up, and whether Id ever hear from them. As Doug knows too well, the group seems to fascinate people. "This is the first time I've said this, but I'm proud of it. why havent they dont a investigation to prove these accusations. I really really want to start exploring the storm drains in Melbourne. Of more than 20 Curious Adelaide questions submitted about tunnels, one asked where Zorga's Tomb ended. Due to the rising popularity of beards, a new rule will be implemented in 2019, that if you do not grow a beard you membership will be terminated. Melbourne and An organisation dedicated to the exploration of urban drains and tunnels in Melbourne. While members of the Clan come from all walks of life, the organisation is famously secretive. Pull your finger out! There were dudes exploring under Paris before Australia had even been settled by the Poms. Just walk along the River Yarra for a bit, and youll find dozens of entrances for yourself. I really don't need to stick up for the Clan nowadays because so many known explorers around the world have had good experiences with the Clan that it speaks for itself. Source, The Adelaide to Melbourne Express crossing railway viaducts at Eden Hills in the Adelaide Hills. When a location is found, that finder gains a certain amount of 'Kudos credits' which may be spent in various ways. xm, A MONTH and you're too slack to reply to three additional emails. More and more people really need to check this out and understand this side of the story. There is a new, recently added rank of 'old-old school'. The Clan cultists will then stand around and 'Shit talk' or even talk about shit, for around-a-about 2 hrs. I've heard it suggested that a serious roofer requires only two items - A helicopter and a rope. , Railway bridge near Eden Hills, in course of construction. It is generally accepted that the brighter the torch the better the explorer. After seeing this I knew there must have been more to this story. Being Booted refers to a member being involuntarily removed from online communication, and therefore the Clan. Im not saying I believe Rachel Vaughn, I am merely trying to tell part of her story I will leave the rest up to you to decide. In Shidney it is a bit more complicated. I have some knowledge of these drains from back in the late eighties and early nineties. These roach infested tunnels could only get smaller from here, so I decided against venturing any further. The care and detail provided by the author reveals the obvious love he has for draining. Or is it those Pirie Street apartments now? Melbourne crime news: Cave Clan back beneath our streets | Herald Sun Deadline: Is Cave Clan back beneath Melbourne's streets? Beware drain legends for Panic and his imaginary friends will make you Panic in the drains. Yes, it is I, Panic, and my horde of imaginary friends. Curly, Those who recognise it will immediately know of its unique characteristics. May I simply say what a relief to uncover somebody that really understands what theyre discussing over the internet. He said 15. Unfortunately due to the state of Australia's new 'NBN', all uploaded content must be a maximum of 480p. I recall the awards night in the Anzac drain. On discussion with the State Library of South Australia's Mark Gilbert, it was determined that the archways found packed with sand beneath the casino were most likely entrances to a storage shed for engines in the old railway yards. - Wizard. Trainman It is an established fact that the better the camera, the better the photo's. A Google search of these names reveals many photographs of the city's concrete drain network thanks largely to secretive urban explorers, Cave Clan, a movement that started in Melbourne, or . send me an email if it would be okay to join you guys one day.. peace, I was at the repat hospital last week & on a notice board there was an old pic with a bomb shelter ent. So many drains! It is still unknown which government organisation, forum mods work for. Never been to the end of Zorga's V, though, nor have I ever climbed up a manhole. The lumins of an Ubexering Persons torch has a direct relationship with how many hankies they have left in sheds. I never made it over to Adelaide guess Im saving that for my next trip. It's far too easy for people to believe stories of fantsy-like underground cities. The remaining mid-core urbexites will now walk around the block counting man hole covers.